First sexual intercourse and high parity are the most influential factors of precancerous cervical lesion
Objectives: to analyze the relationship between characteristics, parity and maternal reproductive history with the risk of cervical pre-cancerous lesions.
Materials and Methods: Cross Sectional Survey, in 2016 Non-Communicable Disease study, with a population of women aged 25-64 years, living in urban areas. A total of 1,547 samples were selected from the census blocks that were prepared to IVA examination. The variables in this article are maternal characteristics, menarche, age of first sexual intercourse, number of partners, parity and contraceptive use, as independent variables and cervical pre-cancerous lesions as dependent variables.
Results: Factors influencing cervical pre-cancerous lesions were: Menarche with a value of P = 0.018; Age of first sexual intercourse with a value of P = 0,000; Number of sexual partners with a value of P = 0.023; and parity with a value of P = 0.049. Multivariate test results show that the age of first time having sex less than 20 years has a 2.3 risk; Mothers with high parity (> 4 children) and having more than one sexual partner have a 16.5 risk.
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