Oxytocin massage enhanced breast milk production in post-partum women
Objectives: to determine the role of oxytocin massage in enhancing breastmilk production and improving mother's comfort
Materials and Methods: This study was an analytic survey with cross-sectional approach using primary data obtained by means of questionnaire. The population was 36 post-partum mothers recruited using non-probability sampling. Data were analyzed using chi-square test with a significance of 0.05.
Results: The results of Chi-square test revealed significant correlation between oxytocin massage (p=0.001) and post-partum breastmilk production.
Conclusion: Oxytocin massage enhanced post-partum breastmilk production at Public Health Center Batulicin 1, District of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan.WHO. Millenium and development Goals, Situasi dan pencapaiannya sekarang ini di Indonesia. 2011: 63.
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