Risk of meningioma associated with exposure of hormonal contraception. A case control study
Objective: To identify the effect of hormonal contraceptive exposure to the occurrence of meningioma.
Materials and Methods: This study, conducted in 2016, was a case-control study by collecting a group of cases comprising all patients diagnosed histopathologically with meningioma in 2012-2013 and treated in dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. Medical record data were analyzed and compared to control group of patients diagnosed with non-meningioma who underwent contrast head ct scan and direct interviews. We obtained 101 cases and 101 controls. Data were analyzed using univariate logistic regression test.
Results: Based on the history of hormonal contraceptive use, patients who had history of hormonal contraceptive use had 12.31 times higher risk (p=0.000). In this study, those who had contraceptive injections for one month and used contraceptive pills had a meningioma risk lower than those who used injectables 3 months. Patients who used hormonal contraception more than 10 years had an increased risk for meningioma as much as 18.216 times (p=0.000). Histopathologically, we found a non-significant association between history of hormonal contraceptive use and the distribution of histopathology, but based on descriptive data showed it was found that the most histopatological meningioma was of the transitional type in cases group.
Conclusion: There is a significant association between hormonal contraceptive use, the type of injectable hormonal contraception for 3 months, the duration of hormonal contraceptive use >10 years, and no significant association between meningioma grade and the history of hormonal contraception exposure.Anic GM, Madden MH, Nabors LB, Olson JJ, LaRoccA RV, Thompson ZJ, Pamnani SJ, Forsyth PA, Thompson RC, Egan KM. 2014. Reproductive factors and risk of primary brain tumor in women. J Neurooncol, 118: 297 – 304.
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