<p align="justify">The name e-Journal (Notaire) is taken from French which means Notary. The Notaire name is also an acronym of <strong>Kenotariatan Airlangga E-Journal</strong> (The Airlangga E-Journal Notary). The name selection is based on the specificity of this journal as a journal belonging to the Master Program of Master of Notary of Airlangga University. This journal was established as a means for students of the Notary Masters Program and the academic community to share ideas about notary law issues in the Asian region and developing countries. This journal is published three times a year in February, June and October by <a href="">Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga</a>. All submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal. We publish two categories of papers; original research papers and review article.</p> <p align="justify">For submission, please kindly open <a href="">HERE. </a></p> <ul style="list-style: none;"> <li><strong>p-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2721-8376</a> </strong>(print)</li> <li><strong>e-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2655-9404</a></strong> (online)</li> <li>Google Scholar ID: <a title="Notaire ID" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li> </ul>Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlanggaen-USNotaire2721-8376Front Matter Volume 7 No. 3, October 2024
<p>Volume 7 No. 3, October 2024</p>Notaire
Copyright (c) 2024
2024-10-302024-10-3073Kepastian Hukum Terhadap Pembatalan Perjanjian Menggunakan Unsur Penyalahgunaan Keadaan
<p><em><strong>Abstract<br /></strong></em><em>The aim of this study is to examine a verdict that involves the element of Misuse of Circumstances or Undue Influence, which is a crime that cannot be directly observed but significantly affects an agreement, as an event where one person promises something to another, or where two people promise each other to do something. Misuse of Circumstances is an act where the parties are bound by an agreement that one party has an unbalanced position and the other party exploits their weakness to gain an advantage. This research is conducted using a normative juridical method, which involves examining various formal legal regulations such as legislation and literature containing theoretical concepts, which are then linked to the issue to be discussed in this journal. The research findings in this verdict indicate that there has been a misuse of circumstances in the agreement between the parties involved in this decision. Due to the misuse of circumstances, the agreement of Sale and Purchase between the parties can be annules.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Agreement; Undue Influence; Sale and Purchase.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Tujuan dari kajian ini yakni untuk mengkaji sebuah putusan yang didalamnya terdapat unsur Penyalahgunaan Keadaan, termasuk kejahatan yang tidak bisa terlihat secara langsung, namun efeknya mempengaruhi sebuah perjanjian. Perjanjian termasuk sebuah situasi yang mana seorang individu memberikan janji kepada individu lainnya, atau yang mana dua individu saling bertukar janji untuk menjalankan sebuah tindakan tertentu. Penyalahgunaan keadaan termasuk sebuah perbuatan dimana para pihak terikat sebuah perjanjian, suatu pihak mempunyai posisi yang tidak seimbang sehingga pihak lain memanfaatkan kelemahan tersebut untuk mengambil keuntungan. Kajian ini disusun menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, yang berarti penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menelaah beragam aturan hukum yang bersifat formal, seperti perundang-undangan dan literatur yang memuat konsep-konsep teoretis. Hasil kajian ini kemudian dikaitkan dengan permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam jurnal ini. Hasil penelitian dalam putusan ini yakni, dalam perjanjian antara para pihak yang terjadi di dalam putusan ini, sudah terjadi penyalahgunaan keadaan, maka perjanjian Ikatan Jual Beli antara para pihak bisa dibatalkan.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Perjanjian; Penyalahgunaan Keadaan; Jual Beli.</p>Adristi RamadhaniMiftakhul ArifVania Larissa SulistioDimas Varizal Putra PurnamaMoh. Akbar Dzulfikar Ramadhan
Copyright (c) 2024 Adristi Ramadhani, Miftakhul Arif, Vania Larissa Sulistio, Dimas Varizal Putra Purnama, Moh. Akbar Dzulfikar Ramadhan
2024-10-302024-10-307330732410.20473/ntr.v7i3.60313Justice Perspective on Agrarian Reform in Realizing People’s Welfare
<p>This paper analyzes agrarian reform from the perspective of justice in realizing people’s welfare. The aim of agrarian reform is to organize land management, both in terms of asset management and access for the benefit of the people, so that an interesting legal issue to study in depth is equitable land management. It is necessary to understand that the no. of inequality in land control and ownership creates disparities which are correlated with imbalance. Agrarian reform based on asset management and access is expected to be able to answer the problem of inequality, especially in the object of agrarian reform. This research was conducted using a normative juridical method with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. Agrarian reform can be interpreted as the government’s efforts to organize assets and community access related to land, which so far has been felt to have a lot of inequality in control and ownership. This arrangement is very important to provide certainty and access to manage assets so that they can provide equitable welfare. Fair land management is part of the state’s constitutional mandate regarding the utilization of agrarian resources for a country’s economy which is structured and aimed at the maximum prosperity of the people. As a benchmark for the success of implementing agrarian reform is the creation of legal certainty regarding land ownership as capital for the welfare of the people with justice.</p>Bhim PrakosoIswi HariyaniMoh. Ali
Copyright (c) 2024 Bhim Prakoso, Iswi Hariyani, Moh. Ali
2024-10-302024-10-307332533810.20473/ntr.v7i3.58676Kedudukan Pemegang Hak Atas Tanah dalam Pemanfaatan Ruang Bawah Tanah Proyek Lintas Raya Terpadu Bali
<p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em><br /><em>The article investigates whether surface land right holder should provide approval and deserve compensation from the developer of Bali’s light rail transit (LRT) underground tunnel project. The tunnel will be built beneath the 5-6 metres wide roads of tourist strip Kuta with the added challenge of the surface land being already completely built while consisting an unknown number and depth of underground wells. This research found that surface land holder who had an underground object on its land such as a well with a depth of more than 30 metres must have the appropriate right and permits to obtain legal certainty and protection. Meanwhile, the project developer does not have to obtain approval from surface land holder in the form of an authentic deed as long as the construction is strictly on the deep underground space. However, the developer is required to provide compensation to surface land holder if the construction caused disturbances to land surface land holder, such as a decline in well water quality as a result of the construction.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Light Rail Transit; Underground Space; Land Right.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Artikel ini mencari tahu apakah pemegang hak atas tanah harus memberikan persetujuan dan berhak menerima kompensasi dari pemegang konsesi proyek terowongan bawah tanah lintas raya terpadu (LRT) Bali. Terowongan akan dibangun di bawah jalanan Kuta yang lebarnya hanya antara 5-6 meter di mana seluruh tanah permukaannya sudah dibangun dan terdapat sumur bawah tanah dengan jumlah dan kedalaman yang tidak diketahui. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemegang hak atas tanah yang memiliki objek bawah tanah seperti sumur berkedalaman melebihi 30 meter harus memiliki hak dan perizinan yang sesuai menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 18 Tahun 2021 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 30 Tahun 2024 agar objek tersebut mendapatkan kepastian dan perlindungan hukum. Pemegang konsesi proyek tidak perlu mendapatkan persetujuan pemegang hak atas tanah berupa akta autentik selama pembangunan terowongan hanya berada di ruang bawah tanah dalam. Namun pemegang konsesi proyek tetap perlu memberikan ganti kerugian kepada pemegang hak atas tanah apabila pembangunan tersebut mengakibatkan gangguan kepada pemegang hak atas tanah, seperti terjadinya penurunan kualitas air sumur akibat pembangunan tersebut.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Lintas Raya Terpadu; Ruang Bawah Tanah; Hak Atas Tanah.</p>Bram Adimas Wasito
Copyright (c) 2024 Bram Adimas Wasito
2024-10-302024-10-307333935810.20473/ntr.v7i3.62232Case Law and the Principle of Freedom of Judicial Power in the Law Finding by Judges
<p>Case law is a complementary source of law for law finding carried out by judges. The tendency of judges to refer to case law is intended so that judges’ decisions have a predictable nature and eliminate disparities in judges’ decisions. On the other hand, the principle of freedom of judicial power is a condition sine qua non for law enforcement and justice through judges’ law finding as the implementation of judicial power. The position of case law is a manifestation of legal certainty for judges’ decisions and a denial of judges’ freedom when deciding cases. This study aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the position of case law as a source of law for judges to use in law finding. The statute approach method by examining laws and regulations and judges’ decisions related to the focus of this study, then complemented by a conceptual approach by moving on to legal principles that can be found in laws and regulations, judges’ decisions, and legal doctrines, it is understood that judges’ law finding are essentially aimed at upholding justice so that judges are not fixated on the provisions of laws and regulations or case law. Justice is the starting point for judges’ law finding; then judges construct legal norms that are stated into their decisions.<br /><br /></p>Christiani Widowati
Copyright (c) 2024 Christiani Widowati
2024-10-302024-10-307335937410.20473/ntr.v7i3.62117Pembagian Dividen Tunai terkait Harta Perkawinan jika Terjadi Perceraian
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /><em>Marital assets regulated in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, do not regulate in detail the classification of assets that can be used in determining joint marital assets. Apart from that, a husband or wife who owns shares in a company will receive profits in the form of dividends. This type of research is normative juridical legal research, using 3 (three) approaches, namely the statutory approach, conceptual approach and case approach. In this research, the author examines concept regarding shares, cash dividends, marital assets, and divorce. Based on the problem formulation that will be explained: 1) Are cash dividends included in marital assets? 2) What are the legal consequences for the distribution of cash dividends in the event of a divorce? This will raise questions if the shares owned by the husband or wife were obtained before the marriage and dividends were only received during the marriage period. This is a question mark regarding whether these shares are inherited or joint assets in marriage. Then, if there is a divorce, what are the legal consequences for the distribution of joint assets in the form of share dividends? These two problem formulations are the background for the author to carry out this legal research. From this research, the author puts forward a temporary conclusion that cash dividends obtained during the marriage period are joint assets and in the event of a divorce, the distribution of cash dividends can be distributed between husband and wife proportionally according to the applicable laws and regulations. The author’s conclusion is that legislators should be able to form additional regulations that can serve as more specific guidelines for implementing the division of marital assets in the event of a divorce.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Stocks; Cash Dividends; Joint Property; Divorce.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Harta benda perkawinan yang diatur pada Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, tidak mengatur secara terperinci terkait harta benda dalam menentukan harta bersama perkawinan. Suami maupun istri yang memiliki saham di dalam suatu Perusahaan akan mendapatkan keuntungan berupa dividen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif, dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) pendekatan yakni pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Dalam pelitian ini Penulis mengkaji konsep mengenai saham, dividen tunai, harta perkawinan, dan perceraian. Berdasarkan rumusan masalah yang akan dipaparkan adalah: 1) Apakah Dividen Tunai termasuk ke dalam Harta Perkawinan? 2) Apa akibat hukum terhadap pembagian dividen tunai jika terjadi perceraian? Hal tersebut akan menimbulkan pertanyaan jika saham yang dimiliki suami atau istri didapatkan sebelum perkawinan dan dividen baru diterima ketika sudah pada masa perkawinan. Hal inilah yang menjadi tanda tanya bahwa saham tersebut sebagai harta bawaan atau harta bersama dalam perkawinan. Lalu terkait apabila terjadi perceraian, maka bagaimana akibat hukum terhadap pembagian harta bersama berupa dividen tunai. Kedua rumusan masalah tersebut yang melatar belakangi Penulis untuk membuat penelitian hukum ini. Dari penelitian ini, Penulis mengemukakan hasil bahwa dividen tunai yang diperoleh selama masa perkawinan berlangsung merupakan harta bersama yang apabila terjadi perceraian, maka pembagian dividen tunai dapat dibagikan antara suami dan istri secara proporsional menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Saran dari Penulis, hendaknya Pembentuk Undang-Undang dapat membentuk peraturan tambahan yang dapat menjadi pedoman yang lebih khusus dalam melaksanakan pembagian harta perkawinan jika terjadi perceraian.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Saham; Dividen Tunai; Harta Perkawinan; Perceraian.</p>Gisca Nur AssyafiraSurya Harya Nugraha SuwonoCandika Visnu Candra WardanaArinie Sherlita Cholis
Copyright (c) 2024 Gisca Nur Assyafira, Surya Harya Nugraha Suwono, Candika, Arinie
2024-10-302024-10-307337539610.20473/ntr.v7i3.58519Klausula Novasi Dalam Perjanjian Kredit Dengan Jaminan Hak Tanggungan
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /><em>Novation is one method of breaking an agreement. Novation is not effectively governed in Article 1413 of the Civil Code, the Banking Law, or the Mortgage Law. Therefore, it is frequently observed in practice that novations are carried out unilaterally by creditors and without the original debtor’s involvement (passive subjective novation). When the Novation is implemented for the Credit Agreement and is also weighed down by Mortgage Rights, issues arise. The legal relationship between the Creditor and the original Debtor will be terminated when the Debtor is renewed. Between new Debtors and existing Creditors, Novation creates a new legal relationship. Only if there has been an engagement between himself and the original Debtor would the new Debtor have the right to the guarantee of Mortgage. Novation can be one of the exit strategies for avoiding the possibility of bad loans, but particularly for Credit Agreements that are Mortgage-burdened, it is necessary to use the principle of prudence, which includes the urgency of having a companion deed as well as other administrative procedures, so that the existence of Mortgage can still be a “safety measure” for the agreement for the renewed credit.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Novation; Bank Credit Agreement; Land Mortgage; Notary.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Salah satu cara mengakhiri perikatan adalah Novasi. Di dalam Pasal 1413 KUHPerdata, Undang-Undang Perbankan dan Undang-Undang Hak Tanggungan, Novasi tidak diatur secara. Oleh karena itu, di dalam praktek banyak ditemui Novasi dilakukan secara sepihak oleh Kreditur dan tanpa melibatkan Debitur lama (Novasi Subyektif Pasif). Permasalahan muncul ketika Novasi tersebut dilakukan untuk Perjanjian Kredit dibebani pula Hak Tanggungan. Bahwa adanya pembaharuan Debitur, maka hubungan hukum antara Kreditur dengan Debitur lama menjadi terhapus. Novasi menghadirkan hubungan hukum baru antara Kreditur dengan Debitur baru. Dalam kaitannya dengan jaminan Hak Tanggungan, maka Debitur baru hanya akan mempunyai hak, jikalau telah terjadi perikatan antara dirinya dengan Debitur lama. Novasi dapat menjadi salah satu exit strategy dalam mengatasi kemungkinan kredit macet, namun khususnya untuk Perjanjian Kredit yang dibebani Hak Tanggungan, perlu asas kehati-hatian termasuk urgensi adanya akta pendamping dan juga proses administrasi lainnya sehingga keberadaan Hak Tanggungan tetap dapat menjadi “pengaman” atas perjanjian kredit yang diperbaharui tersebut.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Novasi; Perjanjian Kredit Perbankan; Hak Tanggungan Atas Tanah; Notaris.</p>Hanif Nur WidhiyantiSuhariningsihArini
Copyright (c) 2024 Hanif Nur Widhiyanti, Suhariningsih, Arini
2024-10-302024-10-307339742010.20473/ntr.v7i3.58338Perlindungan Hukum atas Dua Putusan Pernyataan Pailit terhadap Debitor yang Sama
<p><em><strong>Abstract</strong><br />Bankruptcy declaration decisions against the debtor results in the debtor by law has no right to control and manage his assets. The debtor’s assets shall then be managed by the receiver under the supervision of the supervisory judge who is appointed based on the bankruptcy declaration decisions. If there are two bankruptcy declaration decisions against the same debtor, it will create legal uncertainty in terms of the management and settlement of bankruptcy assets. There is a legal vacuum regarding the regulation of two bankruptcy declaration decisions against the same debtor. Based on this, the legal issue in this writing is an analysis of the applicability of two bankruptcy declaration decisions against the same debtor and the merger of bankruptcy estate settlement from two bankruptcy declaration decisions against the same debtor. The research in this writing is legal research using statute approach, conceptual approach and case approach. The research concludes that for two bankruptcy declaration decisions against the same debtor, the two bankruptcy declaration decisions are equally valid as the principle of res judicata pro veritate habetur and it is possible to issue a stipulation of merging the processes of settlement of the debtor’s bankruptcy assets into one as the interpretation of the provisions of Article 91 UUKPKPU to guarantee legal certainty.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Debtor; Bankruptcy; Settlement; Decision.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap debitor menyebabkan debitor demi hukumkehilangan hak dalam menguasai dan mengurus harta kekayaannya. Harta kekayaan debitor selanjutnya dilakukan pengurusan dan pemberesan oleh kurator dengan pengawasan hakim pengawas yang ditunjuk dan diangkat berdasarkan putusan pernyataan pailit. Apabila terdapat dua putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap debitor yang sama maka akan menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum dalam hal pengurusan dan pemberesan harta pailit. Terdapat kekosongan hukum dalam hal terhadap debitor yang sama terdapat dua putusan pernyataan pailit. Berdasarkan hal tersebut isu hukum dalam penulisan ini adalah analisis keberlakuan dua putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap debitor yang sama serta penggabungan pemberesan harta kekayaan debitor dari dua putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap debitor yang sama. Penulisan ini merupakan penelitian hukum (legal research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Kesimpulan dari penulisan ini adalah terhadap dua putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap satu debitor yang sama maka kedua putusan pernyataan pailit tersebut sama-sama berlaku sebagaimana prinsip res judicata pro veritate habetur serta dapat dikeluarkannya penetapan penggabungan proses pemberesan harta pailit debitor menjadi satu sebagaimana penafsiran terhadap ketentuan Pasal 91 UUKPKPU guna menjamin suatu kepastian hukum.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Debitor; Pailit, Pemberesan; Putusan.</p>I Gusti Ngurah Anantha Wikrama JayaningratElma Putri TanbunLailatul KomariaGerry Arthadi
Copyright (c) 2024 I Gusti Ngurah Anantha Wikrama Jayaningrat, Elma Putri Tanbun, Lailatul Komaria, Gerry Arthadi
2024-10-302024-10-307342144410.20473/ntr.v7i3.57587Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Notaris Dalam Menerapkan Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat Terhadap Keterangan yang Diperolehnya Dalam Pembuatan Akta
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /><em>Notary as public officials have an obligation to implement the principle of recognizing beneficial owners in a corporation. A notary play an important role in disclosing beneficial ownership of a corporation, however, the transparency of beneficial ownership disclosure must be based on good faith and clear information from parties who representing the corporation. Therefore, the existence of beneficial ownership cannot fully detected by a notary, moreover, a notary has to apply the confidentiality principle. The objective of this research is to find out and examine the legal protection for Notaries regarding the provisions as reporting parties in applying the principle of recognizing the beneficial owners of corporations. The legal research is used as the research method with statute approach and conceptual approach. The results of the research explain that the provisions in Presidential Regulation Number 13 of 2018 must be implemented by the Notary even if this obligation is contrary to the principle of confidentiality. Matters that can be reported by a Notary are only in accordance with what is known and submitted by the parties to prevent misuse of business entities for illegal purposes such as money laundering and terrorism financing.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Confidential Principle of Deed; Notary Compliance; Beneficial Owner Transparency.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Notaris sebagai pejabat publik memiliki kewajiban untuk melaksanakan asas mengenali pemilik manfaat dalam suatu perusahaan. Notaris memegang peranan penting dalam pengungkapan kepemilikan manfaat suatu perusahaan, namun demikian, keterbukaan pengungkapan kepemilikan manfaat tersebut harus dilandasi oleh itikad baik dan keterangan yang jelas dari pihak yang mewakili perusahaan tersebut. Keberadaan kepemilikan manfaat tidak dapat sepenuhnya diketahui oleh notaris tanpa adanya itikad baik dan pemberian informasi yang benar, terlebih lagi notaris harus menerapkan asas kerahasiaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji perlindungan hukum bagi Notaris terkait ketentuan sebagai pihak pelapor dalam penerapan asas pengakuan pemilik manfaat korporasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa ketentuan dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 13 Tahun 2018 wajib dilaksanakan oleh Notaris meskipun kewajiban tersebut bertentangan dengan asas kerahasiaan. Hal-hal yang dapat dilaporkan oleh Notaris hanya sesuai dengan apa yang diketahui dan disampaikan oleh para pihak untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan badan usaha untuk tujuan yang melanggar hukum seperti pencucian uang dan pendanaan terorisme.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Prinsip Menjaga Kerahasiaan Isi Akta Notaris; Pelaporan Notaris; Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat dari Korporasi.</p>NurwahjuniyuniartiFelia Ramadhanty Waluyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Nurwahjuni, yuniarti, Felia Ramadhanty Waluyo
2024-10-302024-10-307344546210.20473/ntr.v7i3.60321Back Matter Notaire Vol 7 No 3, October 2024
<p> Vol 7 No 3, October 2024</p>Notaire
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