1 - 8 of 8 items
Correlation of parity and age to services per conception, conception rate, and gestation length in Holstein Friesian cross cows
Abstract : 3495
PDF : 409
Uterine prolapse and related factors in beef cow at the Besuki Animal Health Center, Situbondo regency, East Java, Indonesia
Abstract : 151
Pdf : 86
Reproductive disorders of cows in several villages of Kedamean district, Gresik regency, East Java, Indonesia in 2023
Abstract : 436
pdf : 194
Reproduction record of captive Sumatera elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) at Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia
Abstract : 339
pdf : 196
Calf morbidity and mortality rates Associated risk factors in smallholder dairy farms in Kembata Tembaro zone, Southern Ethiopia
Abstract : 236
pdf : 106
Cervical opening during estrus in Aceh Local Cows based on camera-equipped artificial insemination endoscope
Abstract : 716
pdf : 480
1 - 8 of 8 items