and Library Journal2024-06-22T12:54:49+07:00Dyah Puspitasari Journal Systems<p><strong>Record and Library Journal</strong><span>, with the registered number (</span><a title="E-ISSN LIPI" href="" target="_blank">E-ISSN: 2442-5168</a><span>). </span>It is a scientific journal that encompasses library science, records, information, and documentation. Record and Library Journal is a medium for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students that are interested in the world of librarianship and records. This journal also facilitates knowledge sharing from the results of studies, case study, book review, and literature review.</p><p>Jurnal ilmiah yang mencakup bidang ilmu perpustakaan, kearsipan, informasi, dan dokumentasi. Record and library journal merupakan wadah bagi peneliti, akademisi, profesional, praktisi, dan mahasiswa yang menggeluti dunia kepustakawanan dan kearsipan. Record and library journal juga memfasilitasi share knowledge dari hasil-hasil penelitian, studi kasus, book review, dan literature review.</p><div class="separator"> </div> of local knowledge and information literacy among The Minangkabau Community in Indonesia2024-01-11T10:38:31+07:00Elva Mohamed Aida Wan<p><strong>Background of the study:</strong> The topics of local knowledge and information literacy have tremendously been discussed in research on information literacy and local knowledge around the world, including in Indonesia. However, these aspects are still under-researched particularly when it comes to the issue of the status local knowledge and that is related to information literacy. Based on this main gap, this paper presents a study that examined local knowledge and information literacy, to specifically address the issue.</p> <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> To identify the status of local knowledge and information literacy among the Minangkabau Community in Agam district, Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> A quantitative approach by using a survey was conducted involving 384 Minangkabau communities in Agam district, Indonesia selected using a random sampling technique</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The findings reveal a significant value of 0.000 (p0.05), indicating that there is a substantial positive link between tacit and explicit knowledge and information literacy. Furthermore, the Pearson correlation coefficient value shows a value of 0.712 which is in the range of 0.60 – 0.799 so it is in a strong category. From the results, the analysis shows that the Minangkabau community has positive information literacy and the local knowledge processes variable can encourage activities of local knowledge in the community, special in Agam district, Indonesia. </p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Status of local knowledge cover combination of knowledge such as from tacit and explicit will support the Minangkabau community to sustain their local knowledge with accurate information seeking strategies</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elva Rahmah, Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan, Wan Aida Wan Yahaya experience of undergraduate students when optimizing google search for their study2024-02-07T14:28:23+07:00Yanuar Yoga<p><strong>Background of the study</strong>: Google has become the most popular search engine worldwide and its name has its own merit within information search, as such when people are searching for information they would most often say ‘google it' rather than ‘look for it'.</p> <p><strong>Purpose</strong>: The present research employs information experience perspective that investigates students of Universitas Diponegoro when they are using Google search to help complete their assignments.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>The research method used to capture the information experience of Universitas Diponegoro students when using Google to look for information associated with their studies was the qualitative research method. Semi-structured interviews were used in this study to explore further information experience of students in exploring information using the Google search engine</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong>: The findings revealed that undergraduate students have their own techniques when using Google search. They are well familiar with formulating search queries; the majority being able to take on this stage of task easily. However, students found it challenging when they have to start evaluating which of the search results would give the most relevant information to help with their assignments.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: Students' prior knowledge appeared to be the governing factor of how well they are able to determine which of the compiled information sources are best for their study. Every student has their own best approach and experience to optimize Google. Generally, it was found that the students within this study had similar ways in formulating keywords to search for information on Google and were only different in certain details of experiences.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan, Heriyanto, Mecca Arfa the types and purpose of cloud computing used for library services delivery in academic libraries in Kwara State, Nigeria2024-01-18T01:17:12+07:00Abdullahi Olayinka Isiakaabdulyinka.isiaka@gmail.comAbdulfatai Saliusaliu.abdulfatai025@gmail.comSulyman Olaitan Mahammuodmahammuod@gmail.comQudus AJibola<p><strong>Background of the study:</strong> The implementation and integration of information and communication technology in library services and operations has revolutionized traditional practices, enabling libraries to adapt to the evolving needs of users in the digital era.</p> <p><strong>Purpose</strong>: The main purpose of this study is to examine the types and purposes of cloud computing used for library service delivery in academic libraries in Kwara State, Nigeria.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>The study used a descriptive survey approach. The population was all the 108 librarians in the eight universities in Kwara State, Nigeria. A total enumeration sampling technique was employed, and a questionnaire was used to collect data from the librarians. The study answered three research questions.</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong>: The study revealed that OCLC, Word cat, Google Docs, and other types of cloud computing are being utilized by the librarians. The study also revealed that poor internet connectivity, among other challenges, militates against the use of cloud computing for academic library service delivery.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The study concluded that the librarians make use of cloud computing for library services. The study recommends that the library should provide reliable internet facilities with fast speeds, high broadband, and reliable power supplies, among others.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abdullahi Olayinka Isiaka, Abdulfatai Saliu, Sulyman Olaitan Mahammuod, Qudus AJibola Bankole development strategies for audiovisual archives 2024-02-28T10:34:05+07:00Nor Azah Hashimazahhashim78@gmail.comMazlina binti Pati Mohd<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>The necessity for effective audiovisual (AV) record management nowadays is gaining precedence in most agencies, especially the government sector. Besides that, AV records are also being demanded to be retrieved and analyzed by researchers who come to the National Archives of Malaysia (NAM). Even though, NAM has found that most government agencies which act as depositor to these records are not actively depositing their valuable government AV records.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This study aims to identify the issues in depositing AV records to the archives repository and to suggest a significant collection management strategy for encouraging government agencies to deposit their valuable government AV records to NAM for future generation references.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>The qualitative research method has used by contrivance case study approach. five (5) selected government agencies through the interview of five (5) officers who deal with AV records.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>The findings of the study have proposed six (6) strategies to be applied by government agencies to overcome the issues.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: This study is significant to government agencies, for Records Manager and NAM in increasing and enriching valuable AV archives collection as national heritage.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Azah Hashim, Mazlina binti Pati Khan, Nordiana Mohd Nordin management design for higher education2024-03-18T15:31:15+07:00Annisa Siti Chandra<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>The existence of information management unit is important for the continuity of information life cycle. However, in reality, not all institutions have this unit. This research was conducted to provide an overview of information management at universities that do not yet have a special information management unit.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This research aims to provide a design information management that can be applied, especially at the UIN Malang or other public universities; especially those that have similar conditions with this university.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This study utilized a qualitative method and a case study approach. Through in-depth interviews with parties who understand the flow of the university's work. In addition, observations were conducted at other institutions with comparable structures to develop a workable information management design for this institution.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>An information management design at Universitas Islam Negeri Malang can be implemented with policies and division of work in certain units owned by this university.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>A workflow, especially for information management, must be implemented with commitment from all units involved, so that the absence of a related unit does not become a barrier to information management.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Fajriyah, Nita Siti Mudawamah, Ganis Chandra Puspitadewi strategies work stress among librarians in public library2023-11-16T16:16:36+07:00Santana Utama Wayan<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>Stress is an inseparable part of a person's professional life, including the librarian profession. One of the librarians who experiences work stress is the Librarian of the Regional Archives and Library Service (DAPD) of Buleleng Regency. Remember, DAPD is the only district-level public library operating in Buleleng. The number of activities carried out, the various characters of the users served, and the library's targets make DAPD Buleleng librarians very vulnerable to work stress.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The main aim of this research is to find out what the sources of work stress are and what strategies the DAPD Buleleng librarians use to overcome the work stress they experience.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods. The technique for determining informants uses purposive sampling techniques and data collection techniques using interviews, documentation, and literature study.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>From the research results, it is known that the source of work stress for DAPD Buleleng librarians is caused by two main situations, namely threatening situations such as excessive workload and unsuitable qualifications, inability to adapt to technology, attitudes, and character of librarians, and job targets that do not meet expectations; and challenging situations such as learning new things and maximizing efforts to achieve desired targets. The strategies used by DAPD librarians to deal with work stress are, sharing work, looking for a place that can restore their good mood, doing fun activities while at home, telling stories to colleagues, and praying to God.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>It turns out that the work stress experienced by librarians also has an impact on work life and personal life. The results of this research can be a reference source for libraries that librarians need to have an understanding of the ability to manage work stress.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Santana Sembiring, Lola Utama Sitompul, I Wayan Mudana User awareness of knowledge management practices of public university libraries in Bangladesh2024-02-07T06:23:49+07:00Sk Mamun<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>Users of university libraries frequently have high expectations for the support services offered by the library. The goals of KM are to enhance library services, generate more with fewer resources, prevent duplication of effort, and take advantage of already existing knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The main aim of this research is to recognize the user awareness of Knowledge Management (KM) Practices of public university libraries in Bangladesh.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>The present research used quantitative methods. A total of 1,060 printed questionnaires were distributed among undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students of five public university libraries in Bangladesh using a simple random sampling technique. Out of 1,060 questionnaires, 811 usable questionnaires were returned, giving a response of 76.5%.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>The study found that users' familiarity with KM is moderately low. They learned about KM through courses provided by their respective departments and independent study through research literature. It was also found that lack of awareness, problems with organizational culture, improper technology deployment, and inadequate support from management are the challenges related to KM practice in public university libraries in Bangladesh.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Finally, the research presented managerial and practical implications with further research directions.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sk Mamun Mostofa, Roslina Othman the Effectiveness of the iPusnas in Enhancing Elementary Students' Numeracy Skills2023-12-20T20:20:10+07:00Fery Muhamad Dyah Noor Md<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>Integrating digital resources in education is increasingly important for enhancing student learning experiences and outcomes. This study examines the impact of using iPusnas e-books on the numeracy skills of fifth-grade elementary school students.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The primary aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of iPusnas e-books in improving the numeracy skills of elementary school students compared to traditional learning methods using textbooks.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>A quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group was employed. The sample consisted of two fifth-grade classes from SD Muhammadiyah 1 Wonopeti, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. One class served as the experimental group using iPusnas e-books, while the other served as the control group using traditional textbooks. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered to assess numeracy skills. Data were analyzed using T-tests and N-Gain tests.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>The results indicated a significant improvement in the numeracy skills of students in the experimental group compared to the control group. iPusnas e-books were more effective than traditional textbooks, as evidenced by higher post-test scores and N-Gain values.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The study concludes that iPusnas e-books significantly enhance numeracy skills in fifth-grade students, highlighting the potential of digital learning resources to improve educational outcomes.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fery Muhamad Firdaus , Amalia Dyah Safitri , Dita Noor Amanah, Rahmat Fadhli, Nurulhuda Md Hassan The role of social media as a source of academic information for students2023-09-24T22:59:24+07:00Fitri Handayaniyhie0804@gmail.comJalwisyhie0804@gmail.comNurmaya<p><strong>Background of the study:</strong> Social media has a huge impact on students' lives. Social media as a means to view and obtain information. This makes social networking sites very interesting sites and allows for a place to share and also a source of information</p> <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> Analyze the role of social media as a means of disseminating academic information for students at the IAIN Kerinci.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. Data management and data analysis include analyzing and investigating data, grouping data, selecting and classifying what will be processed, searching for and finding patterns.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The impact of social media on users includes building social relationships, increasing interest in economic activities, providing a relaxing effect through entertainment functions, as a means of self-actualization. The role of social media is also very significant for IAIN Kerinci students, apart from being a source of academic information as well as a forum for academic support, learning and as a means of academic communication.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The use of social media has become a large source of academic information for IAIN Kerinci students, but it has not yet been utilized significantly for the development of academic quality.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fitri Handayani, Jalwis, Nurmaya Prahatmaja on medical records of covid-19 patients in Indonesia2024-01-31T16:52:48+07:00Lili Sudria Adi Ahlis<p><strong>Background of the study:</strong> This research describes medical record management activities in two government hospitals in Indonesia, namely RSUD Tugurejo Semarang and RSUD Kota South Tangerang. This Hospital became history for the Indonesian people during the COVID-19 era and became a referral hospital for COVID-19 patients. Medical records, as written documents regarding the initial history of a patient's illness, can be trusted in the name of law and become archives with legal and historical value. Therefore, it is necessary to look at how the medical records of COVID-19 patients are recorded and utilized.</p> <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> Analyze the use of COVID-19 medical records as a source of health information data in hospitals.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data sources come from observation, interviews, and documentation.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The research results found that medical records at General Hospitals in Indonesia are managed based on life cycle files, following the guidelines issued by the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The more organized a hospital's medical record archive is, the more information contained in the medical record will be visible to researchers.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lili Sudria Wenny, Lolytasari, Riyan Adi Putra, Pita Merdeka, Muh. Ahlis Ahwan, Ana Afida of arsiparis as records and archives professional in Indonesia2024-01-27T05:06:04+07:00Elya Riska Dwi Wahyunielyawiwahyuni11@gmail.comRina<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>To be able to manage archival documents according to applicable standards, organizations need professional and competent <em>arsiparis</em>. Professionalism and competence are represented in the qualification and requirements in the recruitment process.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This paper aims to present the results of a mapping study of the qualification and special requirement for <em>arsiparis</em>, also analyzes the implications of these aspects for the reinforcement of <em>arsiparis</em> profiles</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>this paper uses an inductive qualitative approach, with the data analysis process by content analysis</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>Formal educational qualification are still dominant in archival science major, although many opportunities are also for individuals with non-archival science backgrounds. Job experience in archives and records management is also recommended to acquire by individual who wants to be <em>arsiparis. </em>However, these have implications for the <em>arsiparis'</em> profile which tends to be interpreted that archives and records management can be done by anyone.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The authors give three recommends. First, confirming educational qualification limits; second, limiting the scope of <em>arsiparis </em>taskforce, and strengthening the independence of professional associations.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elya Riska Dwi Wahyuni, Rina Rakhmawati, attitudes, skills, and open educational resources usage among open and distance learners2024-02-10T20:44:46+07:00Eromosele Smart Francisca Ogbomoesoobas@gmail.comBlessing Amina<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>Open Educational Resources (OER) are adjudged to be of tremendous benefit to open and distance learners due to the nature of their academic programs. However, a number of factors will determine the extent to which they will use these resources. Thus, this study examined the influence of awareness, attitudes, and skills on the usage of OER by postgraduate.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>this study examined the influence of awareness, attitudes, and skills on the usage of OER by postgraduate students at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), South-South, Nigeria.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>Four hypotheses were generated and tested to guide the study. On a population of 2,119 postgraduate students, the study used a descriptive survey design of the correlational type. Fifteen percent of the population (318) was sampled for the study. A questionnaire was used to elicit data from the respondents, and upon administration, a 95% response rate was achieved. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics (for the demographics) and inferential statistics (for the hypotheses).</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>The results revealed that the independent variables of awareness, attitude, and skills all had a moderate individual and joint influence on the usage of OER among open and distance learners.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The study concluded that, to stimulate the use of OER among postgraduate students, their awareness, attitude, and skills would have to be positively triggered. Consequently, recommendations were made.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eromosele, Esoswo Francisca Ogbomo, Akporhonor information literacy in green and sustainable business programs2023-10-05T14:02:39+07:00Ajri Rhaysa<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>Eco-friendly information literacy plays an important role in helping to change public behavior towards a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The aim of this research is to examine various aspects of information literacy within the green and sustainable business programs conducted by The Local Enablers (TLE) in an eco-friendly context.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> The research method employed is qualitative descriptive study. The research subject is based on the involvement of specific parties with the research object to be studied in-depth. The subjects involved in this study consist of several individuals who play roles in the TLE project team during the planning and implementation of green and sustainable business programs.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>This research outlines the information literacy process in the green and sustainable business program at TLE according to the Big6 Model theory, from problem formulation to information evaluation. The Big6 Model assists TLE as a problem-solving framework for the information needs of the green and sustainable business program. Each member of the TLE team is able to explain the process of searching for and using information during program development.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Eco-friendly information literacy is well-established within TLE, where they actively seek out and implement new environmental information within the TLE ecosystem. In designing and implementing green and sustainable business programs, TLE recognizes the urgency of environmental issues and understands that the process of information literacy is an effective problem-solving tool<em>.</em></p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ajri Rhaysa Maulina, Nuning Kurniasih, Encang Saepudin topics of the female librarians2023-12-19T11:34:10+07:00Savira Arumdinisavirard@gmail.comRia Arianiriaa001@brin.go.idFaizhal Arif<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>Female librarians often face limitations in their professional development and encounter various challenges. Previous studies have shown that while many articles focus on women librarians as a subject, few delve into the topics discussed.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This research aims to find out which topics are developing in the world of libraries, with a specific focus on female librarians.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>This study uses topic modelling to explore abstracts from documents discussing female librarians, using BERTopic, scattertext, and VOSviewer to identify emerging topics from data obtained from Scopus.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>A total of 6 topics were determined, where Topic 0 and Topic 3 had the highest similarity. At the same time, keyword analysis did not reveal any particularly prominent keywords in the 2020s.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The discussion on female librarians covers topics such as professional advancement, work-life balance, knowledge gaps in technology, stereotypes, and the correlation between these topics. This study provides an overview of text analysis that librarians can use to identify topics in a collection of texts, such as abstracts, and examine how different topics relate to each other, as a single document can reflect multiple topics.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Savira Arumdini, Ria Ariani, Faizhal Arif Santosa the research landscape of recommender systems for digital libraries2024-02-20T23:16:54+07:00Gaganmeet Kaur<p><strong>Background of the study: </strong>In today's information-rich environment, researchers face the difficulty of managing information overload and struggle to identify meaningful information among a plethora of choices. A recommender system plays a crucial role in assisting users in discovering relevant information from a digital library.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This study aims to provide a bibliometric analysis of research publications on recommender systems for digital libraries.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>The research method involved the quantitative bibliometric approach to analyse the research publications from the Web of Science and Scopus databases using Biblioshiny. The dataset retrieved comprises 374 documents published between the period of 2004-2023.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>The study's findings highlight that the number of publications was notably high in 2009 and 2018 within the analyzed period. The most significant contributors are Porcel C, Herrera-Viedma E, and Beel J. There is a considerable international collaboration between the countries- China, USA, and Germany. </p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: This study indicates an emerging interest in recommender systems for digital libraries with the continuous evolution of new recommendation models. There is a huge potential for research considering the availability of multimodal data, the continuous evolution of new technologies such as deep learning, and opportunities for the development of an architecture for integrating different digital libraries.</p>2024-06-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gaganmeet Kaur Awal, Ujjwal Tehlan