Southeast Asian Business Review <p><span class="fontstyle0"><strong>Southeast Asian Business Review (SABR), </strong>with registered number <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e-ISSN: 3025-5171,</a> is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually (February and August) by Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. The journal emphasises empirical studies with practical applications; examinations of theoretical and methodological developments. The journal is committed to publishing the high quality articles from business and management perspectives in regards to within and between the Southeast Asian region. SABR invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, marketing management, finance management, operation management, human resource management, innovation management, knowledge management, organizational behavior, organizational development, and change management.</span></p> en-US (Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana) (Saber Al Amerta) Sun, 09 Mar 2025 19:48:25 +0700 OJS 60 Optimizing Container Delivery Services at Nilam Container Terminal: A Lean Services Approach Utilizing VALSAT Framework <p>The present research explores the optimization of container delivery processes at Terminal Peti Kemas Nilam using a Lean Services approach, addressing increased competition and customer expectations in the logistics supply chain by reducing waste during loading and unloading. Employing qualitative methods, including observations, questionnaires, interviews, and document analyses, the study utilized the VALSAT tool to identify waste and categorize activities into value-added (VA) and non-value-added (NVA). The analysis identified 12 activities, nine VA and three NVA, and key wastes such as waiting, unnecessary inventory, and defects. A fishbone diagram was employed to analyze root causes and guide improvement proposals, providing a framework for enhancing efficiency and service delivery in the logistics sector.</p> Febriana Wurjaningrum, Rania Divia Nurrahmani Copyright (c) 2025 Febriana Wurjaningrum, Rania Divia Nurrahmani Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Bankruptcy Prediction Using The Altman Z-Score Modification Model in India: A Case Study of Bharti Airtel Limited <p>Indian telecom sector is facing intense competition since Reliance Jio has entered the telecom market. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has further strained the sector. Considering these, evaluating a company's financial health is of paramount importance. In spite of various methods available for determining financial stability, Altman's Z-score modification model has been considered a better tool to forecast the possibilities of bankruptcy and determine financial viability of a company. Therefore, this model has been adopted to track Bharti Airtel’s financial health in light of the aforementioned perspective. The purpose of the study is two-fold. Firstly, it focusses on evaluating the financial standing of Bharti Airtel limited &amp; predicting bankruptcy using Altman's Z-score modification model. Secondly, it evaluates the financial standing of Bharti Airtel in context of seven research hypotheses on the performance of the Z’’-Score Model. The exploratory study is based on secondary data acquired from published sources for a period of ten years (2013 to 2022). The analysis on the basis of Altman's Z-score modification model showed that the financial position of Bharti Airtel weakened as the financial scores moved from grey zone to distress zone towards the end of the study period. But as per the other financial parameters considered in the study, the company is financially stable as the net worth is positive, revenue and market capitalization are also increasing, which is contradictory. Thus, the study highlights the need of re-evaluation of the Z’’-Score model and revising the estimation of coefficients in the model to make it viable in the present-day context for the service industry.</p> Aradhana Sorout, Netra Pal Singh Copyright (c) 2025 Aradhana Sorout, Netra Pal Singh Sun, 09 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Digital Literacy as a Mediator Between Digital Finance Adoption and Financial Inclusion Among SMEs in Oyo State, Nigeria <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><span lang="en-NG">The study investigates the mediating role of digital literacy in the relationship between digital finance and financial inclusion among SMEs in Oyo State, Nigeria. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 298 SME CEOs across the Agro-allied, Manufacturing, Education, and Construction sectors. Path Analysis Structural Equation Modelling (PA-SEM) was employed as the primary analytical technique. Findings reveal that digital finance significantly enhances financial inclusion, while digital literacy also exerts a strong positive influence on financial inclusion. Furthermore, the analysis shows that digital literacy partially mediates the relationship between digital finance and financial inclusion, as confirmed through bootstrapping. This highlights the critical role of digital literacy in amplifying the benefits of digital finance for financial inclusion. The results suggest that SMEs with higher digital literacy levels are better equipped to utilize digital finance tools, such as mobile money, online banking, and payment platforms, thereby achieving greater financial inclusion. Consequently, it is recommended that SMEs prioritize developing the digital skills of their operators and employees to maximize the advantages offered by digital finance solutions.</span></p> Ademola Samuel Sajuyigbe, Nwoye James Obi, John Tawiah Oladapo, Emmanuel Aderinola Adegun, Adewumi Ramat Adedoyin, Abimbola Tolulope Dunsin Copyright (c) 2025 Ademola Samuel Sajuyigbe, Nwoye James Obi, John Tawiah Oladapo, Emmanuel Aderinola Adegun, Adewumi Ramat Adedoyin, Abimbola Tolulope Dunsin Sun, 09 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Improvement of Managerial Competence Based on Training and Integrative Leadership <p>Leadership behavior and skills are essential in dealing with dynamic environmental changes and building the morale and motivation of organizational members to achieve high work productivity. Leadership capabilities are needed to improve managerial competencies that play a role in influencing, coordinating, and communicating effectively. Managerial competence also creates openness, appreciation, and attachment felt by employees, thereby increasing efficiency and collaboration within the organization. In addition, this competency helps individuals complete tasks faster, more precisely, and professionally, which ultimately supports the achievement of organizational goals. One of the important factors in supporting managerial competence is training and integrative leadership roles that can be facilitated by organizations, including higher education institutions. This research aims to encourage the improvement of the managerial competence of study program leaders through training and integrative leadership. Integrative leadership theory seeks to identify the behaviors and characteristics of effective leaders and how they can influence subordinates in certain situations. Integrative leadership is seen as a strategic approach to influence employees through the leader's ability to manage the organization dynamically and adaptively, creating a productive and harmonious work environment.</p> ERISA APRILIA WICAKSARI, Sri Wartini, Andhi Wijayanto, Euis Soliha Copyright (c) 2025 ERISA APRILIA WICAKSARI, Sri Wartini, Andhi Wijayanto, Euis Soliha Sun, 09 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of Independent Learning Independent Campus (MKBM) in Building Human Resources Character with Insight into Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) <p>This study aims to analyze the influence of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) policy on the formation of human resource (HR) character, as well as examine the role of MBKM policy moderation in the relationship between the SDGs and the character of human resources. This study was conducted at Semarang State University (UNNES) using a quantitative approach through Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis. The results of the study show that the SDGs have a positive and significant influence on the formation of human resource character. The MBKM policy also plays an important role in significantly strengthening the character of human resources. In addition, the MBKM policy has proven to be able to moderate the relationship between the SDGs and the character of human resources, thus strengthening the relationship between the two. The addition of the MBKM policy moderation variable improves the model's ability to explain the variability of human resource characters, which shows the significant contribution of this policy in supporting the achievement of the SDGs. These findings underscore the importance of implementing the MBKM policy in supporting the achievement of the SDGs, especially in the context of higher education to form human resources with superior character and able to face global challenges.</p> Bogy Febriatmoko, Sri Wartini, P Erianto Hasibuan, Widya Prananta, Euis Soliha Copyright (c) 2025 Bogy Febriatmoko, Sri Wartini, P Erianto Hasibuan, Widya Prananta, Euis Soliha Sun, 09 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0700