Successfully Procedure Endovascular Carotid Angioplasty Stent in a Case of Neck Stab Wound with Pseudoaneurysm, Recurrent Transient Ischemic Attack, and Horner Syndrome: A Case Report
- Uncommon Presentation and Diagnosis: The case report presents a unique and rare clinical scenario involving a 14-year-old boy who sustained a neck stab wound, leading to the development of a pseudoaneurysm within the common carotid artery.
- Multidisciplinary Approach to Treatment: The case highlights the complexity of managing such casesm where a multidisciplinary approach is paramount. The manuscript underscores the significance of involving neurology, interventional neurology, and vascular surgery teams to provide comprehensive and tailored patient care
- Efficacy of Endovascular Intervention: The successful outcome of the endovascular carotid angioplasty stent procedure highlights its effectiveness as a treatment option for addresing complex vascular conditions like pseudoaneurysm or dissection of the carotid artery.
Introduction: Neck stab wounds can lead to various vascular complications, including pseudoaneurysm or carotid artery dissection. Proper diagnosis and management can prevent recurrent strokes. Case: We reported a case of a 14-year-old boy with a previous left neck stab wound who developed recurrent transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) accompanied by Horner's syndrome and headache following a traumatic common carotid artery dissection. An angiographic examination revealed a pseudoaneurysm or dissection of the left common carotid artery. The patient was initially treated with oral anticoagulant therapy, but he continued to experience recurrent TIA. The patient was then treated endovascularly with a carotid angioplasty stent to restore the compromised carotid artery. Following the endovascular procedure, the patient experienced no complications, showed improvement in Horner syndrome, and had no headache. During the follow-up period, the patient had no more TIAs. Conclusion: Endovascular carotid angioplasty stents are an effective and safe way to treat pseudoaneurysm or dissection of the carotid artery, especially in cases presenting with recurrent TIAs and Horner syndrome. The observed clinical improvement following the procedure indicates significant benefits in enhancing the patient's quality of life and preventing complications from recurrent TIA episodes.
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