This research aims to prove the effect of managerial ownership, debt policy, and firm size on tax aggressiveness companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period2008-2010. The selection ofmanufacturing companyas ansubject of studyoptionsin linewiththe conclusionofthe Zimmerman research (1983). Results fromthis study is higher the ratio of managerial ownership level sindicates lower level of the taxaggressiveness but because the probability values above 0.05 so the first hypothesis is not proven. Meansthere is still adesire for profitorrent seeking. Then, higher the proportion of debt indicatesdecrease in aggressive tax policy but because the probability values above 0.05 so the second hypothesis is not proven. It means that the addition of the proportion of debt is not always negative connotations to reduce the company's profit before tax. Yet the participation of creditors to monitor the performance of the debtor company participates in helping reduce the level of tax aggressiveness. Next, bigger the company indicates less aggressive in taxation policy and the relationship is proven because the probability value below 0.05. This condition occurs as a part of company's political cost policy that tends to avoid tax audit.
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