Dimensi Metrik Kuat Lokal Graf Hasil Operasi Kali Kartesian

Local Strong Metric Dimension Cartesian Product Bipartite Graph Complete Graph Cycle Graph


January 15, 2020


The strong local metric dimension is the development result of a strong metric dimension study, one of the study topics in graph theory. Some of graphs that have been discovered about strong local metric dimension are path graph, star graph, complete graph, cycle graphs, and the result corona product graph. In the previous study have been built about strong local metric dimensions of corona product graph. The purpose of this research is to determine the strong local metric dimension of cartesian product graph between any connected graph G and H, denoted by dimsl (G x H). In this research, local metric dimension of G x H is influenced by local strong metric dimension of graph G and local strong metric dimension of graph H. Graph G and graph H has at least two order.