Hubungan Dimensi Metrik Ketetanggaan dan Dimensi Metrik Ketetanggan Lokal Graf Hasil Operasi Kali Korona

adjacency metric dimension corona product graph correlation of adjacency metric dimension correlation of local adjacency metric dimension local adjacency materic dimension.


May 20, 2020


Adjacency metric dimension and local adjacency metric dimension are the development of metric dimension. The purpose of this research is to determine the adjacency metric dimension of corona graph between any connected graph G and non-trivial graph H denoted by dimA(G⊙H), to determine the local adjacency metric dimension of corona graph between any connected graph G and non-trivial graph H denoted by dimA,l(G⊙H), and to determine the correlation between adjacency metric dimension and local adjacency metric dimension of corona product graph operations. In this research, it is found out that the value of adjacency metric dimension of G⊙H graph is affected by the basic characteristic of H and the domination characteristic. Meanwhile, the value of local adjacency metric dimension of G⊙H graph is only affected by the basic characteristic of H Futhermore, it is found a correlation of adjacency metric dimension and local adjacency metric dimension of corona product graph between any connected graph G and non-trivial graph H.