Analisis Kestabilan Model Predator-Prey dengan Adanya Faktor Tempat Persembunyian Menggunakan Fungsi Respon Holling Tipe III
Predation is interaction between predator and prey, where predator preys prey. So predators can grow, develop, and reproduce. In order for prey to avoid predators, then prey needs a refuge. In this thesis, a predator-prey model with refuge factor using Holling type III response function which has three populations, i.e. prey population in the refuge, prey population outside the refuge, and predator population. From the model, three equilibrium points were obtained, those are extinction of the three populations which is unstable, while extinction of predator population and coexistence are asymptotic stable under certain conditions. The numerical simulation results show that refuge have an impact the survival of the prey.
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