Actualizing a friendly environment for Teman Tuli and Teman Dengar through the education sector
Until now, the distribution of Special Schools (SLB) in Indonesia is still considered uneven and does not have adequate quality education or tends to stagnate. This condition is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which encourages people with disabilities, especially the Teman Dengar and Teman Tuli communities to conduct online learning activities through video and audio. In line with this, this study seeks to provide steps that can be a solution in creating a friendly environment for people with disabilities, especially for the Teman Dengar and Teman Tuli both in the short and long term through the education sector. In explaining this, this study uses a qualitative method with the Van Kaam data analysis method through the interpretation of primary data from interviews which is expanded through secondary data from literature studies. Based on the data obtained, this study found that the stigma from the community who views the disabled group as a group that has lower quality and does not require higher education is an important factor inhibiting the creation of a friendly environment for disabled groups, especially for the Teman Dengar and Teman Tuli in Indonesia. This study concludes that a friendly environment for persons with disabilities is needed, including in the field of education, such as the use of SIBI and BISINDO in the general education curriculum.
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