Safety Perceptions among Ship-to-Shore (STS) Crane Operators at PT Terminal Teluk Lamong

Introduction: Ship-to-shore (STS) crane operators strive for efficiency in their work, but they must take a hard look at their high-risk jobs. It is necessary to learn how to improve occupational safety and health. This study aims to investigate the problems faced by STS crane operators working in container ports and to understand the importance of fit-for-work monitoring procedures, particularly for individuals working in high-risk industries such as STS operators. Methods: This study used a qualitative approach, and data were collected through interviews and observations of STS operators and in-house clinic staff. Nine STS operators, two in-house clinic staff, and two safety, health, and environment (SHE) staff were interviewed. Results: This study found that container terminal companies emphasise two critical aspects for STS operators: productivity and occupational safety and health. STS operators face health problems, including physical and psychological problems, due to the fast-paced work system, sleep patterns, daily activities, and thoughts that are difficult to control. Employees have coping mechanisms to deal with fatigue, and stakeholders have effectively communicated the company's safety and health culture. Most stakeholders in a container terminal company want a fit-for-work monitoring system to make the business efficient and sustainable. Conclusion: The STS industry faces a significant problem with operator fatigue, which can negatively impact safety and productivity. This issue requires a comprehensive strategy, including legislation to regulate working hours and shift patterns, technology to combat fatigue, and operator education and training.
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