Evaluasi Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat Pilar Stop BABS di Puksesmas Kabupaten Probolinggo
Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is the program of government to reduce the incidence of diarrhea and improve public hygiene behavior through otriggers approach. CLTS consists of five pillars with its main focus
is pillar Stop BABS. Goal of this research is to evaluate the implementation of program CLTS (Stop BABS) with a systems approach which conducted of input, process and output in Public Health Center (PHC) in Probolinggo
district. This is an observational research using with cross sectional design. This research analyzes used descriptive. Population and sample of this research is 26 PHC sanitation workers in Probolinggo. Results of this
research showed the planning process was still bad, the implementation of the program was good, recording and reporting was also good, and the process of mentoring and advocacy program was still bad. Inhibiting factor of CLTS program is budget and geographical environment.The implementation of CLTS program (Stop BABS) as a whole in PHC Probolinggo district still not succeeded. Suggestion for PHC sanitation workers is making plan of action CLTS program, establishing village-level facilitators CLTS, implementing mentoring and advocacy as well as increase cooperation across sectors and programs.
Keywords: CLTS, Evaluation, Management system
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