Background: Health insurance is a right for all Indonesian citizens. To provide this, the Indonesian government must provide health services that are equitable, fair, and affordable for all levels of society. Before National Health Insurance (JKN) was established, the government launched Social Insurance for Maternity Care or Jaminan Persalinan (Jampersal) as a special health facility for pre-pregnant to post-partum mothers. The JKN program will run well if it is accompanied with good health service literacy of the community.
Aims: This study aims to analyze the relationship of social health insurance literacy with the utilization of Jampersal and predict the response towards JKN utilization based on Jampersal mothers. These responses can be used as an input for JKN improvement.
Methods: This research is a descriptive study that focuses on the experience of the subjects. The study does so by analyzing Jampersal users' response and utilizing it for the improvement of JKN. The respondents of this study are Jampersal and non-Jampersal mothers consisting of 75 pregnant and post-partum mothers.
Results: The results show that the number of Jampersal users (47%) were less than non Jampersal (53%) with a ratio of 2:3. In addition, literacy about Jampersal of Jampersal mothers' was higher (28 out of 30 people - 93.33%) compared to non Jampersal mothers (29 out of 45 people - 64.44%).
Conclusions: This study concludes that there is a lack of promotion of government programs, especially social health insurance. What needs to be done to improve participation and use of social health insurance is to encourage primary healthcare centers to promote the programs. Intervention policy, especially by educating the communities, is necessary for the improvement of JKN literacy.
Keywords: Literacy, Participation, Social health insurance.
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