Background: Diarrhea is still a major health problem in Indonesia. The Province of East Java ranks the second-highest number of diarrhea incidence after West Java, which reached 1,048,885 patients. The most dominant factors contributing to diarrheal diseases are water and family latrines. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relationship between access to drinking water and proper sanitation with the incidence of diarrhea in East Java. Methods: This study was an observational study with a correlation study design. The population used was all people suffering from diarrheal diseases handled by each district in East Java Province in 2017. The method of sampling used aggregate data on the number of cases of diarrhea handled and the number of people with access to drinking water and proper sanitation per district/city in East Java province based on the East Java Health Profile 2017. The variables studied were the number of people who had access to drinking water (feasible), the number of people who had access to proper sanitation facilities (healthy latrines), and the number of diarrhea cases handled in East Java Province, with analysis techniques in the form of pearson correlation. Results: This study showed that there was a relationship between residents who had access to inadequate drinking water (p = 0.00) which had a strong relationship of 0.48 (strong enough) and there was also a relationship between residents with inadequate access to sanitation facilities (not have healthy latrines) (p = 0.00) which had a strong relationship of 0.53 (strong enough). Conclusion: There is a relationship between access to drinking water and sanitation that is not feasible with the incidence of diarrhea found in East Java.
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