Background: Tuberculosis in children is still found in East Java Province at 2017 with 2,749 cases of paediatric tuberculosis. The Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunisation coverage and healthy houses in East Java Province increase every year. Purpose: This study aims to analyse the correlation between BCG immunisation and healthy houses with paediatric tuberculosis discovery in East Java Province during 2015–17. Methods: This study is observational with a correlation study design. The population in this study were children aged 0–14 years who suffered from tuberculosis in a district or city in East Java Province in 2015–17. Sampling of this study uses aggregate data on paediatric tuberculosis discovered in children aged 0–14 years, coverage of BCG immunisation and coverage of healthy houses in districts/cities in East Java in 2015–17 found in Health Profile of East Java Province 2015–17. The variables studied were paediatric tuberculosis in children aged 0–14 years, BCG immunisation coverage and healthy house; the analysis techniques were the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and Pearson correlation. Results: This study shows that there is correlation between BCG immunisation and paediatric tuberculosis (p = 0.01, p <0.05) with a correlation value of 0.67, indicating a strong and positive correlation. The results also show that there is a correlation between healthy houses and children with tuberculosis (p = 0.01, p <0.05) with a correlation value of 0.63, indicating a strong and positive correlation. Conclusion: BCG immunisation coverage and healthy houses are positively correlated with paediatric tuberculosis discovered in East Java district/city.
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