Factors That Effect The Nosokomial Phlebitis Infections in Hospital Bhayangkara TK II. H.S. Samsoeri Mertojoso Surabaya
Nosocomial phlebitis infection occurs in nearly 60% of patients who during treatment receive an invasive procedure. The incidence of phlebitis is almost 4%. The aim of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the occurrence of nosocomial phlebitis infection. The design used in this study was cross-sectional, the study sample of 68 respondents consisted of 22 respondents exposed to phlebitis, while 46 respondents were not exposed to phlebitis. In this study, the factors observed include internal factors, which are age, sex, and accompanying diseases. External factors are needle size, type of IV infusion fluid, location of IV infusion, IV treatment, duration of IV infusion, and IV infusion technique. The results showed that the proportion of risk of occurrence of phlebitis in patients by age (OR = 59.5), gender (OR = 2.487), concomitant diseases (OR = 6.249), needle size (OR = 0.019), type of IV infusion fluid (OR = 18,943), location of IV infusion (OR = 2,4), IV treatment (OR = 6,818), duration of IV infusion (OR = 14,286), and IV infusion technique (OR = 4,048). The conclusion of this study is that the variable type of infusion fluid has a greater influence on the incidence of phlebitis in Bhayangkara Hospital in Surabaya, so it is suggested that there is a need for staff attention in the hospital especially regarding the standard procedure for infusion installation on the factors that influence the occurrence of phlebitis, and the need for a surveillance team and the nosocomial infection control team at the hospital.
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