potency of to resolve reproduction disturbance caused by TCDD exposure.
Thirty Balb/C male mice were divided into five different groups, the negative control group, a positive control group exposed to TCDD at a dose of 7 μg/kg BW, P1 group of groups exposed to TCDD doses of 7 μg / kg BW and given Biophytum petersianum extract 0.05mg/gBB/day, group P2 group exposed to TCDD doses of 7μg/kgBW and given 0.080mg/gBB/day, and group P3 were exposed to TCDD dose of 7μg/kgBB and given the extract of Biophytum petersianum 0.135mg/gBB/day during day 2 to day 55. On the 56th day the mice were sacrificed and apoptotic examination and spermatogenic cell histopathological features were performed on the testis. The results showed that: P2 (0,433 ± 0,497; p<0,05) and P3 (0,200 ± 0,000 p<0,05) groups were the most effective group in decreasing spermatogenic cell apoptosis compared to positive control group (2,933 ± 1,5832 p<0,05). The Johnsen score result showed that P2 (9,400 ± 0,420) and P3 (9,800 ± 0,253) groups improving the histopathologic picture of spermatogenic cells in seminiferous tubules compared to positive control group (7,20 ± 0,400) p<0,05. Conclusion of this study were Biophytum petersianum is effective to solve reproduction disturbances caused by exposure of TCDD and the P3 group is the most effective group.
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