Editorial Policies


Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary (JBMV) published original articles, review articles, and case reports in English version. The scope of JBMV has a broad coverage of relevant topics across veterinary basic medical sciences which includes: preclinical and paraclinical disciplines i.e. Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, and Medical Education.


Original Articles

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Review Articles

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Case Report

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary (JBMV) is published twice a year in June and December.


Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary (JBMV) provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary (JBMV) utilizes the PKP PN, LOCKSS, and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.


The International Comittee for Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) have guidelines that this journal adheres to when handling cases of research and publishing misconduct, among other areas of publication ethics.

High ethical criteria must be followed in order for any study to be examined and approved. The work presented in your article has to have been conducted in compliance with EC Directive 86/609/EEC for animal experiments and The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for research involving humans.

Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary (JBMV) is dedicated to publishing scientific articles that uphold outstanding academic standards. To prevent future issues, the perspectives of all involved parties—authors, editors (including reviewers), peer reviewers, and publishers—must align with ethical norms. This approach is in line with COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for publications.

Authors must submit original work that has not been plagiarized or previously published in other journals until the JBMV assesses the article's eligibility. Each individual listed as an author should have made a significant contribution to the research and writing process, including aspects such as conceptualizing, designing, data collection, analysis, interpretation, and drawing conclusions. Individuals who have made important contributions but do not meet the criteria for authorship (such as funders) should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section. The corresponding author holds responsibility for both the research and the manuscript's composition.

Authors must properly cite all literature that influences their articles. Submitted manuscripts must undergo the review process by reviewers and peer reviewers. Articles submitted to the JBMV should not be under consideration by, or have been published in, other scientific journals. If only a small portion of the data has been published, the original source must be acknowledged in the article. For data that is reprocessed from another source, permission from the original author is required. Additionally, if the manuscript is based on research involving live animals, it must include the approval number and institution from the Ethical Commission.

If authors identify any mistakes or errors in their article, they must inform the chief editor to correct, clarify, or withdraw the article as needed, and may need to issue an apology. Any requests to add, remove, or change authorship must be approved by the chief editor and finalized before the article's publication.

Reviewer is responsible in providing feedback and assisting editors with decisions regarding the articles they review. Reviewer also support authors in improving the quality of their submissions. Reviewer must evaluate its capability to review the assigned articles and notify the editors if they are unable to do so. Confidentiality must be maintained for all articles undergoing the review process. The review process should be conducted impartially, concentrating on the content rather than making personal criticisms of the authors. Reviewer should have no personal interests in the research or its funding. Even if an article is not suitable for publication, its confidentiality must be upheld to prevent unauthorized use by others.

Editors hold the ultimate responsibility and authority for accepting or rejecting manuscripts submitted by authors. The evaluation of a manuscript must prioritize its scientific value, without being influenced by personal or commercial interests. If a manuscript is deemed unsuitable for publication, the editors must maintain its confidentiality to prevent unauthorized use, unless permission is granted by the authors. Editors must also adhere strictly to the principle of blind review.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Airlangga, as the publisher of the JBMV, actively promotes adherence to established scientific writing standards among editors. The publisher collaborates with both authors and editors to ensure academic integrity is preserved throughout the publication process. Furthermore, the publisher is dedicated to upholding the journal's quality and enacting policies that foster its advancement.

Animal Ethics           
Research involving experimental animals must adhere to ethical standards for animal welfare. Animals involved in experiments must be treated with care and respect, with efforts made to minimize any potential pain. The use of experimental animals must comply with local, national, and international regulations. Authors are required to provide a statement including the name of the ethical authority and the consent number, confirming that the research was conducted in accordance with animal ethics and welfare guidelines.

Hazards Animal/Human Subjects
- The authors should make any mention of chemicals, processes, or equipment that pose an extraordinary risk clear and prominent in the manuscript.
- The authors should need explicit permission from the source or the authorities before publishing case specifics or private information.
- The authors must give editors all required permissions upon request.


No fee for article processing charges for each accepted article.


As per the protocol of this journal, all submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using TURNITIN. The similarity report should be less than 20%. The Editor-in-Chief use this similarity reports as a preliminary plagiarism check. During the peer review process, the technical reviewer is assigned to check if there is plagiarism. A final plagiarism screening will be conducted after the author(s) has revised their manuscript .


Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary (JBMV) conducts a double-blind review process. A paper's publication is determined by peer review and editorial evaluation. A paper's publication is determined by peer review and editorial evaluation. First, an editorial committee made up of editorial staff members evaluates each paper. The main goal is to determine which papers should be sent for peer review and to make a prompt conclusion about those that shouldn't. 

Initial Editorial Assessment
Journal Basic of Medical Veteriner perform an initial reviews as initial editorial assessment process by editor-in-chief and editors to determine whether to reject the article or send it for peer review. The three key points are language, scope, and guideline compliance. An author may occasionally receive a paper back asking for changes so that editors can decide whether or not to send it out for review. After submitting their work, authors should anticipate hearing back from the initial editorial assessment step of the review process in one to two weeks.

Review Process
Peer review will begin once the paper clears the initial editorial assessment. Each paper underwent a minimum of two reviews, chosen for their respective areas of expertise, as part of the peer-review process. Double-blind reviews are used for all reviews, meaning that neither the authors nor the peer reviewers are aware of each other's identities. After the review request was received, the reviewers had three weeks to finish the review in each reviewing round.

Decision-Making Process
The peer reviewer's recommendations determine whether an article is accepted for publication; two acceptance recommendations are necessary. The editor is entitled to request the opinion of a third reviewer if the recommendations from the first two reviewers differ. The editor-in-chief, editorial committee (national or international advisory board), and reviewers' recommendations are taken into consideration before making the ultimate choice to publish.

The editor can reject the manuscript at this stage:
1. Initial submission if it does not fit the focus and scope of the journal;
2. Peer-review process decisions;
3. The revision of the manuscript does not conform to peer-reviewed advice;
4. The author does not follow the editor's instructions according to deadlines.
The editor will send a notification of the rejection of the manuscript to the author through OJS.

The decision of the editorial board is absolute and free of conflicts of interest.

The article review process usually takes an average of 12 weeks. This review period depends on the editors' and reviewers' duration in reviewing the manuscript.