The Effect of Administration of Ethanol Extract of Mimosa pudica L. Herbs on The Organ Index and Histology of Spleen of Male Wistar Rats

Mimosa Pudica L. is one of the plants that can be used as a traditional medicine which can be used also as analgesic and anti-inflammatory. In the studies of acute toxicity test, Mimosa Pudica L did not cause toxic. This study aimed to investigate the sub-chronic toxicity of Mimosa Pudica L to the spleen index and histology of the spleen of mice which included the observation of follicular diameter and the center of the germ. This test method referred to the OECD 407 (1995) conducted for 28 days with 7 treatment groups and consist of 1 control group , 3 treatment groups and three groups of satellites with a dose of 400 mg / kg , 600 mg / kg and 900 mg / kg. In the satellite group, there was an advance observation for 14 days without any treatment to see whether there was an effect of improvement or not. The results showed that the average value of the index spleen was getting smaller. The data were analyzed with test of homogenety of variances (levene test) showed a similarity of data variance between groups (P > 0.050). The mean value of the index spleen showed there was no significant difference between groups (P > 0.05). The highest mean value of the follicle diameter was in the negative control. Data was analyzed by non- parametric tests Kruskal - Wallis because it did not show the similarity of variance (P < 0.05). The results showed that there was no significant difference between groups (P > 0.05). The satellite group with the dose of 600 mg / kg gave the effect of improvement on the center germinal diameter. The results of the study conveniently indicated that there was no significant difference between groups (P > 0.05). The conclusion of this study was the ethanol extract of the herb Mimosa Pudica L. orally did not leave a distinct meaningful difference or did not affect the spleen index and picture spleen histology.
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