Differences in Blood Glucose Levels of Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Given Sugar Cane Juice and Cyclamate Solution as a Sweetener

Background: Artificial sweeteners can cause glucose intolerance, which is a condition where the glucose in the blood is abnormal. Purpose: This research was conducted to determine the difference in blood glucose levels of mice as experimental animals that were given sugarcane juice as a natural sweetener and cyclamate solution as an artificial sweetener. Methods: The research method applied was laboratory experimental followed by checking blood glucose levels using a GCU easy touch glucometer and the data analysis method used was descriptive analysis. Results: the average blood sugar before treatment was P0 (control) 110 mg/dl, P1 (test animals given sugarcane juice solution) 63 mg/dl, P2 (test animals given sodium cyclamate solution) 69.5 mg/dl . Then, the average blood sugar after treatment was, P0 (control) 77.5 mg/dl, P1 (test animals given sugar cane juice) 81.5 mg/dl, P2 (test animals given cyclamate solution) 101.5 mg/dl etc. From this data, it was obtained that the level of glucose in the blood decreased by an average of 32.5 for P0. Then, there was an increase in blood glucose levels with an average of 18.5 for P1. In addition, there was an increase in blood glucose levels with an average of 32 for P2. Blood sugar levels in the treatments given cyclamate and sugar cane juice both experienced an insignificant increase in blood sugar, but within two weeks the average increase in blood sugar was highest in the treatment given cyclamate. Conclusion: There are differences in blood glucose levels of mice as experimental animals given sugarcane juice as a natural sweetener and cyclamate solution as an artificial sweetener.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Virginia Ayu Kinanti, Melynda Veronika Kartjito, Inas Zhafira, Anastasia Josephine Saputra, Rahma Alfiana, Aldena Aulia Pramesti Harnowo, Rafael Azkal Vellano, Zulfa Fajrina Handini, Nadia Puteri Amrullah

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