Upaya Gastrodiplomasi Indonesia di Korea Utara

Gastrodiplomacy Indonesia North Korea Campaign Strategy


November 28, 2020


History has recorded the crucial role of food in life. More than just a
basic human need, food can be a unifying and dividing society, further
demonstrating its crucial role in civilization. This led to the emergence
of the practice of gastrodiplomacy ” a practice of cross-border cultural
diplomacy through food. Indonesia is one of the countries that has
practiced gastrodiplomacy by empowering its culinary pride. One of the
destinations for Indonesian gastrodiplomacy is North Korea. On various
occasions, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pyongyang has often
promoted Indonesian food through cooking demonstrations, bazaars,
or various formal banquets. Besides, Indonesia has also opened its first
Indonesian product outlet in Pyongyang, which markets Indonesian food
products. This article aims to show Indonesia's gastrodiplomacy efforts in
North Korea and map them based on various gastrodiplomacy campaign