Perkembangan Confucius Institute di Amerika Serikat

internationalization of education Confucius Institute bargaining model marketing mix


August 2, 2019


Confucius Institute is an educational learning Chinese language
institution, integrated within the China Ministry of Education which
have the task to internationalizing Chinese education in many states. The
Confucius Institute itself has grown rapidly in the United States in the
past ten years. Regarding this phenomenon, there are many anomalies
which make Confucius Institute should not become bloomed in there, such
as the Chinese-Americans or Chinese spoken are minorities in the United
States. This paper tried to explain why the Confucius Institute can easily
outspread in the United States during this past ten years. This research
focused on two things: (1) the relationship between the institution,
home country, and host country through bargaining model concept and
(2) the application of adaptation strategy with the marketing mix. The
author found that the success of Confucius Institute in the United States is
because there's a mutually close relationship between the home country and
host country based on bilateral agreement; the mutual close relationship
between institution and host country based on bargaining power; and the
application of marketing mix based on 4P's and 4C's.