Journal title Journal of Halal Product and Research (JHPR) 								View Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Halal Product and Research (JHPR)
Frequency Biannual 
License CC-BY-4.0  Type: Open Access Journal indexed DOAJ
DOI 10.20473/jhpr (Crossref)
Publication Fee  No Publication Fee
Publisher Universitas Airlangga affialted Journal of Universitas Airlangga
Cite Analysis Elsevier (Scopus) | Lens | Dimensions | Sciencetific Literature
Accreditation Accredited (2020-2024) | Indexed:  SINTA 4 | Garuda
Journal of halal product and research (JHPR) is a journal published Biannual (twice a year) by Universitas Airlangga, managed by Halal Center and Institute of Life Science, Technology, and Engineering Airlangga University or known as Lembaga Ilmu Hayati, Teknik, dan Rekayasa Universitas Airlangga (LIHTR UNAIR). The journal is dedicated to improving the insight into research and development of halal products, also to be used as a reference for academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and the general public.
Journal of halal product and research (JHPR) is registered in the International Serials Directory Database for electronic and print by the International Centre for the registration of serial publication - CIEPS. All articles have unique DOI numbers by Crossref. JHPR publishes peer-reviewed, original research and reviews articles in an open-access format and totally free of charge (no publication fee for the author). We are proud to publish articles based on fact, grounded by careful research, and provide free access to that research for all of our readers.
This journal has been accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic Indonesia with 4th Grade Arjuna on Science and Technology Index (SINTA 4) since Volume 3(1): 2020 until volume 7(2): 2024 according to the decree number  204/E/KPT/2022 

JHPR accepted articles span the full extent of the multidisciplinary research about halal studies and halal product development, covering: Food and Agriculture; Pharmacy, Medicine, and Pharmacognosy; Chemistry; Biology; Management, Business, and Finance; Behavioral science; Social science and Humaniora; and other related topics.

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Editorial Policies

Release, November 10, 2021
  1. JHPR first published in May 2018 (Vol 1 No. 1 2018) in print, then started in digital form in Vol 2 No. 2 2018 with e-ISSN: 2654-9778
  2. The review process is double-blind peer review using an email attachment
  3. In Vol 3 No 2 JHPR applies a policy of inclusion of the date of the month and year related to the review process carried out until the manuscript is received and mixed-communication review process By OJS and email attachment
  4. JHPR published 5 articles for each issue in 2018. Furthermore, 6 articles for each issue in 2019-2020 and 7 articles for each issue in 2021 and in the future
  5. The JHPR Editorial Board announced the inclusion policy about the editorial process date for each manuscript since Vol 3, No 2 (2020). Each of manuscript known the date of received, revised, accepted, and published.
  6. Since Vol 4, No 1 (2021) every article published digitally under license CC-BY-4.0. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright of the article without restrictions and to retain publishing rights without restrictions.
Read more about Editorial Policies


The editors and publisher of the Journal of Halal Product and Research (JHPR) have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of JHPR, its editors or its publisher. JHPR, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Driving Global Halal Value Chain, What Should We Do?

Basically, factors that drive the growth of halal products start with doubts in the mind of Muslims over a certain product regarding its halal status. More importantly, if it is an imported product from non-Muslim countries and not accompanied by a halal certificate from a reputable institution. Every Muslim consumer in the world has a moral obligation to ensure the halal status of the products they consume. This is in line with the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 168 that requires Muslims to consume halal and good products. Even animals which were originally halal like cows, goats and poultry must be ensured to have been slaughtered according to Islamic law; otherwise, their status from halal will change to haram. Furthermore, the products must be guaranteed zero contaminants from both haram and najis contaminations. In this regard, assurance of halal needs to be covered throughout the supply chain from upstream to downstream, i.e., during its presentation stage to avoid risks of contamination.

Published: 2024-06-30
