Sentiment Analysis for Customer Review: Case Study of GO-JEK Expansion
Background: Market prediction is an important thing that needs to be analyzed deeply. Business intelligence becomes an important analysis procedure for analyzing the market demand and satisfaction. Since business intelligence needs a deep analysis, sentiment analysis becomes a powerful algorithm for analyzing customer review regarding to the business intelligence analysis.
Objective: In this study, we perform a sentiment analysis for identifying the business intelligence analysis in GO-JEK.
Methods: We use Twitter posts collected from the Twint library which consists of 3111 tweets. Since the dataset did not provide a ground truth, we perform Microsoft Text Analytic for determining positive, neutral, and negative sentiment. Before applying Microsoft Text Analytic, we conduct a pre-processing step to remove the unwanted data such as duplicate tweets, image, website address, etc.
Results: According to the Microsoft Text Analytic, the results are 666 positive sentiment numbers, 2055 neutral sentiment numbers, and 127 negative sentiment numbers.
Conclusion: According to these results, we conclude that most GO-JEK customers are satisfied with the GO-JEK services. In this research, we also develop classification model to predict the sentiment analysis of new data. We use some classifier algorithms such as Decision Tree, Naí¯ve Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network. In the result, the system shows that the decision tree provides the best performance.
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