Foot 3D Reconstruction and Measurement using Depth Data
Background: The need for shoes with non-standard sizes is increasing, but this is not followed by the competence to measure the foot effectively. The high cost of such an instrument in the market has led to the development of a precise yet affordable measurement system.
Objective: This research attempts to solve the measuring problem by employing an automatic instrument utilizing a depth image sensor that is available on the market at an affordable price.
Methods: Data from several Realsense sensors that have been preprocessed are combined using transformation techniques and noise cleaning is performed afterward. Finally the 3D model of the foot is ready and hence the length and width can be obtained.
Results: The experimental results show that the proposed method produces a measurement error of 0.351 cm in foot length, and 0.355 cm in foot width.
Conclusion: The result shows that multiple angles of a static Realsense sensor can produce a good 3D foot model automatically. This proposed system configuration can reduce complexity as well as being an affordable solution.
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