The Drivers of a Digital Signature System Adoption: Evidence from Finance and Information System Departments
Background: With the massive e-commerce transactions and document transfers, reliable system protection is needed. A digital signature is a tool that consists of encryption and decryption algorithms in a secret key to prevent data theft and online fraud.
Objective: This research proposes an integrated technology-organization-environment (TOE) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to determine the factors affecting consumer intention to adopt the digital signature system. This research uses finance and information system departments' perspectives in various industries.
Methods: The analytical method is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach using the Smart Partial Least Square statistical version 3.0 software to examine the hypothesized connections between latent variables.
Results: The results show that support from top management, size of the enterprise, and social influence have significant and positive effects on digital signature adoption. Meanwhile, user involvement and perceived simplicity have a negative effect on the adoption of a digital signature system in finance and information system departments.
Conclusion: The current research suggests that executive levels in the finance and information system departments encourage the adoption of digital signature tools in doing daily tasks to increase efficiency.
Keywords: Digital signature, consumer intention, finance and information system, structural equation modeling, TOE and UTAUT
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