A Hybrid Deep CNN-SVM Approach for Brain Tumor Classification
Background: Feature extraction process is noteworthy in order to categorize brain tumors. Handcrafted feature extraction process consists of profound limitations. Similarly, without appropriate classifier, the promising improved results can't be obtained.
Objective: This paper proposes a hybrid model for classifying brain tumors more accurately and rapidly is a preferable choice for aggravating tasks. The main objective of this research is to classify brain tumors through Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based hybrid model.
Methods: The MRI images are firstly preprocessed to improve the feature extraction process through the following steps: resize, effective noise reduction, and contrast enhancement. Noise reduction is done by anisotropic diffusion filter, and contrast enhancement is done by adaptive histogram equalization. Secondly, the implementation of augmentation enhances the data number and data variety. Thirdly, custom deep CNN is constructed for meaningful deep feature extraction. Finally, the superior machine learning classifier SVM is integrated for classification tasks. After that, this proposed hybrid model is compared with transfer learning models: AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and VGG16.
Results: The proposed method uses the ‘Figshare' dataset and obtains 96.0% accuracy, 98.0% specificity, and 95.71% sensitivity, higher than other transfer learning models. Also, the proposed model takes less time than others.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of the proposed deep CNN-SVM model divulges by the performance, which manifests that it extracts features automatically without overfitting problems and improves the classification performance for hybrid structure, and is less time-consuming.
Keywords: Adaptive histogram equalization, Anisotropic diffusion filter, Deep CNN, E-health, Machine learning, SVM, Transfer learning.
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