Hybrid Architecture Model of Genetic Algorithm and Learning Vector Quantization Neural Network for Early Identification of Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases
Background: In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 466 million people worldwide are affected by hearing loss, with 34 million of them being children. Indonesia is identified as one of the four Asian countries with a high prevalence of hearing loss, specifically at 4.6%. Previous research was conducted to identify diseases related to the Ear, Nose, and Throat, utilizing the certainty factor method with a test accuracy rate of 46.54%. The novelty of this research lies in the combination of two methods, the use of genetic algorithms for optimization and learning vector quantization to improve the level of accuracy for early identification of Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases.
Objective: This research aims to produce a hybrid model between the genetic algorithm and the learning vector quantization neural network to be able to identify Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases with mild symptoms to improve accuracy.
Methods: Implementing a 90:10 ratio means that 90% (186 data) of the data from the initial sequence is assigned for training purposes, while the remaining 10% (21 data) is allocated for testing. The procedural stages of genetic algorithm-learning vector quantization are population initialization, crossover, mutation, evaluation, selection elitism, and learning vector quantization training.
Results The optimum hybrid genetic algorithm-learning vector quantization model for early identification of Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases was obtained with an accuracy of 82.12%. The parameter values with the population size 10, cr 0.9, mr 0.1, maximum epoch of 5000, error goal of 0.01, and learning rate (alpha) of 0.5. Better accuracy was obtained compared to backpropagation (64%), certainty factor 46.54%), and radial basic function (72%).
Conclusion: Experiments in this research, successed identifying models by combining genetic algorithm-learning vector quantization to perform the early identification of Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases. For further research, it's very challenging to develop a model that automatically adapts the bandwidth parameters of the weighting functions during trainin
Keywords: Early Identification, Ear-Nose-Throat Diseases, Genetic Algorithm, Learning Vector Quantization
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