A Systematic Literature Review on Leaf Disease Recognition Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Approach
Background: Plant diseases affect agricultural output, quality and profitability, making them serious obstacles for agriculture. It is essential to detect diseases early in order to reduce losses while retaining sustainable practices. Plant disease detection has benefited greatly from the use of computer vision and deep learning in recent years because of their outstanding precision and computing capability.
Objective: In this paper, we intend to investigate the role of deep learning in computer vision for plant disease detection while looking into how these techniques address complex disease identification problems. A variety of deep learning architectures were reviewed, and the contribution of frameworks such as Tensorflow, Keras, Caffe and PyTorch to the researchers' model construction was studied as well. Additionally, the usage of open repositories such as PlantVillage and Kaggle along with the customized datasets were discussed.
Methods: We gathered the most recent developments in deep learning techniques for leaf disease detection through a systematic literature review of research papers published over the past decade, using reputable academic databases like Scopus and Web of Science, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method for guidance.
Results: This study finds that researchers consistently enhance existing deep learning architectures to improve prediction accuracy in plant disease detection, often by introducing novel architectures and employing transfer learning methods. Frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe, and PyTorch are widely favored for their efficiency in development. Additionally, most studies opt for public datasets such as PlantVillage, Kaggle, and ImageNet, which offer an abundance of labelled data for training and testing deep learning models.
Conclusion: While no singular ‘best' model emerges, the adaptability of deep learning and computer vision demonstrates the dynamic nature of plant disease recognition area, and this paper provides a comprehensive overview of deep learning's transformative impact on plant disease recognition by bringing together information from different studies.
Keywords: Deep learning, Computer vision, Plant disease, Systematic literature review
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