Motorcycle Taxi in Shared Mobility and Informal Transportation: A Bibliometric Analysis
Background: Motorcycle taxi (MCT) is a form of widely used informal transportation. Over the last few years, MCT has developed from conventional public transportation into a modern business using digital technology. In these services, digitalization has received a positive response from the public and the increasing number creates many challenges. However, there is a gap in the discussion of new service models for shared mobility transportation.
Objective: This research aimed to analyze MCT, providing an overview of the services as informal transportation.
Methods: Bibliometric analysis was used to evaluate 366 articles published in the Scopus database between 2011-2023. In addition, annual publications and citation topics, most productive sources and influential articles, relevant affiliations, productive countries, location research, main topics, and future research options were identified.
Results: Frequently occurring topics were reported with past and present academic developments related to MCT services. Based on the publication themes, the main topics were arranged into five clusters, namely (a) the development of more sustainable transportation services, (b) environmental and health impact, (c) road safety, (d) risky behaviors or risk factors as MCT drivers, and (e) utilization of MCT for medical or health services. Meanwhile, the research topics comprised themes about travel behavior, health, safety-security, customer satisfaction, and advanced mobility topics.
Conclusion: This research increased knowledge about main topics, trends and future analysis options in MCT. The academic developments served as a guide to future topics.
Keywords: Motorcycle taxi, public transportation, informal transportation, shared mobility, bibliometric analysis
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