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Peer Reviewers

Prof. Fedik Abdul Rantam, DVM
Peer Reviewers
Stem Cell Research and Development Center, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Evelyn Komaratih
Peer Reviewers
Department of Ophthalmology – Medical Faculty of Airlangga University, Indonesia

Dr. dr.,Sp.KFR(K) Damayanti Tinduh
Peer Reviewers
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Prof. Md.,Ph. D., Vladimir Mironov
Peer Reviewers
Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Life Sciences (Department of Chemical Engineering and Natural Sciences, Virginia State University, USA)

Prof. Ph.D., David V. Schaffer
Peer Reviewers
Dept of Bioengineering, University of California Dept of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of California, United States

Prof. Dr. Eric C.M. van Gorp,
Peer Reviewers
Erasmus MC Rotterdam, the Netherlands, at the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases and at the Department of Viroscience, Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Yuwono S.,Farm.,M.S.,Apt
Peer Reviewers
Faculty of Pharmacy, Indonesia

dr. Sp.OT Yunus Abdul Bari
Peer Reviewers
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Dr Dwikora Novembri Utomo
Peer Reviewers
University of Airlangga, Indonesia

Dr Purwati Purwati
Peer Reviewers
University of Airlangga, Indonesia

Ferdiansyah Ferdiansyah
Peer Reviewers
University of Airlangga, Indonesia