Introduction: Pregnancy is a physiological event for a woman and in the first months of pregnancy, there is a feeling of nausea and vomiting (gravidarum emesis). Emesis complaints occur in 60-80% of primigravida and 40-60% of multigravida. Emesis gravidarum if not treated immediately can develop into hyperemesis gravidarum and can result in reduced fluids in the body, thus endangering the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. The purpose of this study is to examine scientific articles which discuss lemon aromatherapy in pregnant women to reduce emesis gravidarum. Methods: The method used in this study is a literature review with data collection techniques using PubMed and Scholar based on inclusion criteria, among others, the intervention in the form of giving lemon aromatherapy, using the quasi-experiment or pre-experimental design or literature review method, using Indonesian and English, published within 10 years (2017-2022). Keywords in the literature review used when searching "Pregnancy” AND "Emesis Gravidarum” OR "Lemon Aromatherapy”. Results: There were 37 journal articles found, and 9 articles that met inclusion criteria were reviewed. The results showed that based on the study conducted, can be seen that has the effect of giving lemon aromatherapy to reduce emesis gravidarum in pregnant women. This will stimulate the release of the beta-endorphin hormone to reduce the production of vomiting stimuli so that complaints of emesis gravidarum can be reduced. Conclusions: The provision of lemon aromatherapy given to pregnant women who experience mild to moderate emesis gravidarum can have an effect in the right way and technique. Lemon aromatherapy is given 2-3 drops, dripped onto tissue or cotton for 5-10 minutes, with 3 breaths. The application of lemon aromatherapy is expected to be applied in health and family services as a complementary therapy to reduce emesis gravidarum in pregnant women.
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