Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a cardiovascular disease that mainly causes death in Indonesia. One of the risk factors that is often found in patients with CHD is central obesity. Neck circumference and waist circumference are considered as the anthropometric measurement which are more sensitive, cheaper, and easier to assess central obesity. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between neck circumference and waist circumference with the incidence of CHD in Cut Meutia General Hospital of Northen Aceh. This study used analytic method with cross sectional design. This study was began in September 2014 until January 2015. Fifty six samples were taken convenient sampling met the inclusion and exclusion criterias. The relationship between neck cicrcumference and waist circumference with the incidence of CHD analysed with Chi Square (p<0,05 is considered significant). Based on the analysis, there was no relationship between neck circumference with incidence of CHD (p=0,107) and there was relationship between waist circumference with incidence of CHD (p=0,045)
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