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Breast cancer male clinical sign Kanker payudara pria gambaran klinis


  • Al Muqsith
    Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
November 15, 2019


Breast cancer on male commonly detected already on late stage with higher mortality risk. It represent 1% of all breast cancer cases and also 1% of all cancer cases that occur on male, that's why made this disease only known by few people. There are several factors that can affect the occurrence of this cancer. The risk of this cancer increase along with the increasing age (around 60's and 70's). This review is written to describe anatomy and clinical sign of breast cancer on male. By find out the morphology and prevalence of breast cancer that occur on male, it is expected to make the diagnosis become easier and earlier for the clinician and give appropriate therapy in order to give the better prognosis for the patients. The size of this cancer mostly less than 3cm and usually relate with nipple retraction, discahrge from the nipple, and fixation of the breast tissue to the skin and muscle. On mammograph, breast cancer usually show irregular subareolar mass, nipple retraction, ulceration or thickening of the skin, but in several cases show fine contour and intercalated with microcalcification. The breast cancer cases on male mostly unilateral. Histologically, the breast cancer on male have the form of infiltrating ductal carcinoma (80%), ductal carcinoma in situ (5%) as well as others uncommon subtype including infiltrating breast carcinoma with mixed feature and invasive papillary carcinoma.