The Evolution of Scientific Evidence Theory in Criminal Law: A Transformative Insight
Criminal law evolution accentuates the contrast between traditional eyewitness testimonies and precise modern forensics. While testimonies offer depth, scientific methodologies provide unparalleled accuracy in investigations. This study examines the challenges and merits of both in light of technological advancements. The objective is to understand the evolving paradigm of scientific evidence in criminal justice, emphasizing its integration and balance with traditional evidentiary methods for upholding judicial integrity and revealing material truth. The result of this study is historical evolution in the theory of scientific evidence which has transitioned from relying on testimonies to verifiable scientific data, including advancements in DNA and cyber technology. This scientific approach, characterized by its objectivity, replicability, and measurability, offers a robust foundation for discerning truth and justice, surpassing the limitations of mere factual accounts. Modern criminal law's integration of this evidence signifies a deep-rooted commitment to justice, ensuring verdicts are swift, fair, and grounded in undeniable truth.
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