Original Research

Characteristics profile of post-partum patients with urinary retention in Koja's Regional Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

Suskhan Djusad, Alfa Putri Meutia, Surahman Hakim
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Public Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia


1. The descriptive data on the characteristic profile of patients with postpartum urinary retention (PPUR) at Koja Regional General Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia, were reviewed and analyzed.
2. Risk factors such as maternal age and fetal birth weight play a major role in the occurrence of urine retention.
3. Of the 300 subjects, 191 women (63.7%) had post-partum urinary retention. The identification of these factors was conducted through the application of Suskhan score. Catheterization can serve as a reference for physicians to prevent and plan appropriate management.


Objective: Postpartum urinary retention (PPUR) is a spontaneous voiding disorder 6 hours after delivery with a postvoid residual bladder above 200 mL. Concerns and awareness should be raised regarding the high number of PPUR occurrences in Indonesia. This study aims to review the incidence and factors causing PPUR in Koja Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive case-control study was conducted with mothers who had urinary retention after vaginal delivery at Koja Hospital from September to December 2022. Residual urine volume was measured with a catheter 6 hours after vaginal delivery. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 22 ver, which included, parity, patient age, gestational age, newborn weight, and residual urine volume.
Results: Of the 300 subjects with consecutive random sampling, 63.7% of subjects experienced postpartum urinary retention, and 36.3% of subjects were normal. Patients with a mean age of 26.91 ± 5.02 years (p=0.000), women giving birth for the first time (primipara) (p<0.001) and fetal weight of 2980.95 ± 450.52 (p=0.000) have a high risk of developing PPUR.
Conclusion: The incidence of post-vaginal urinary retention in Koja Hospital is related to the subject's age, parity, and the fetus's birth weight.

Keywords: Urinary retention, vaginal delivery, post-partum, risk factors, maternal health