Nowadays, scientific journals plays a big role in displaying the growth in scientific fields. It functions as a media between researchers and readers, to deliver the outcome of a research.

Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Periodical of Dermatology and Venereology) was first published in August 9th, 1989 by Department/Functional Medical Staff Dermatovenereology of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University - Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital Surabaya.

For more than 30 years, BIKKK has been consistently releasing issues every 4 months, with articles encompassing a variety of topics in Dermatovenereology. At first, BIKKK serve as a platform for the staff and residents of Department/Functional Medical Staff Dermatovenereology of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University - Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital Surabaya to publish their internal reports and cases. As time went by, it has transformed and broadened its scope, receiving articles from the external parts, but still focusing on the field of Dermatovenereology.

Since 2014, BIKKK has changed it's title to "BIKKK, Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Periodical of Dermatology and Venereology". This abbreviation is intended for the publication to be more internationally acknowledged, and providing an easier way for researchers to cite the journal.

Having been nationally accredited in 2016 (Nomor: 36a/E/KPT/2016, ISSN 1978-4279) and as Sinta 2 (Nomor: 30/E/KPT/2018) in 2018 and then 2020 (Nomor : 200/M/KPT/2020), by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education, BIKKK has begun to receive article submissions via its website, And starting in 2020, BIKKK has been receiving articles exclusively in English.

BIKKK's editorial board consists of colleagues from Indonesian and International board of dermatovenereology. This is done to ensure that we emphasize the quality of the journal and that we are open to suggestions, in order to improve the journal performance.

We welcome your articles ” researchers, pre-graduate students, residents, and lecturers can submit their articles (Clinical research, Review articles, Case report) to our website.

Current Issue

Vol. 34 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Published: 2025-02-12


Article In-Press

Vol. 37 No. 1 (2025): APRIL