An Overview of Marital Commitment in Couples with Religious Differences
The aim of this research was to find out a picture of marital commitment in couples with different
religions. Marital commitment in this research includes several aspects including: personal commitment,
moral commitment, and restoration commitment. The research method used is a case study with
participants as husband and wife couples who are still married with different religions, and with a
marriage age of 1 year. Data mining was carried out using in-depth interviews, while technical data
analysis used thematic analysis and was developed using a theory-driven method. Strengthening
research credibility uses source triangulation techniques by checking the data that has been obtained,
namely the results of participant interviews, and also the theoretical basis used. Based on the results of
data analysis, it can be found that the relationships between participants form individuals who have
feelings of dependence and create a bond of mutual belonging and promise to look after and trust each
other for a long time.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Abrar Putera Redian, Hanna Azfa Sadida , Anindita Khoirunnisa, Fadhilah Afqa Alghifari, Firzanatusalma Rafiza Yuadi, Wiwin Hendriani

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