Penyelesaian Container Stowage Problem untuk Kontainer Ukuran 20 Feet menggunakan Whale Optimization Algorithm

Container Stowage Problem Unloading Time Whale Optimization Algorithm


October 13, 2021


This paper has purpose to solve Container Stowage Problem (CSP) for 20 feet container using Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA). CSP is a problem discussing about how to stowage a container on the ship where the purpose to minimize the unloading time. Moreover, 20 feet container is one of container types. WOA is a recently developed swarm-based metaheuristic algorithm that is based on the bubble net hunting maneuver technique of humpback whales for solving complex optimization problems. WOA had three procedures, first encircling prey, second bubble-net attacking method or exploitation phase, and third search for prey or exploration phase. WOA application program or resolving solve CSP for 20 feet container was made by using Borland C++ programming language which was implemented in three cases types of CSP data, first, the small data taking about nine containers with the number of  bays, rows and tiers, respectively, are 4, 4, 4. The second and third data was medium data and big data with 62 containers and 95 containers each data, and had the number of bays, rows and tiers, respectively, are 14, 4, 5. After executing the program can be concluded the unloading time will be better if the number of whales is larger, while the number of iterations and the number of parameter control for shape of a logaritma spiral  don't affect the solution.

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