Main Article Content
1. Given the frequent long-term complications of stroke, this study identified the ideal approach to discharge planning to improve the quality of life of patients and hospital care.
2. This study provides evidence supporting the effectiveness of a conventional discharge planning approach that incorporates specific educational intervention with interactive learning through audiovisual media.
3. The approaches presented in this study may offer valuable perspectives on enhancing health service provisions, particularly regarding the discharge planning process for nurses.
The quality improvement of discharge planning is essential throughout the development of discharge planning, which guarantees a seamless transition of care for stroke patients and family preparedness. This systematic review aimed to analyze the development of discharge planning and its impact on stroke patients and their families. The research was conducted and reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Eligible pieces of literature were compiled from seven electronic databases, i.e., ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, SAGE Journals, and Google Scholar. The literature search was performed using predetermined search terms, with specific criteria that included papers exclusively published in English and studies conducted in 2018–2022. The development of discharge planning showed a significant impact on stroke patients, as it could influence various aspects of their quality of life. This included improvements in physiological function, enhanced cognitive knowledge, increased satisfaction and self-efficacy, reduced stress levels and care burden, and the opportunity for families to adequately prepare for home-based patient care. This study concluded that integrating conventional with technology-based media is effective for developing discharge plans for stroke patients. The implementation of this novel approach in a health system can improve patient outcomes, family preparedness when providing care, and the quality of hospital care.
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- Amiri FS, Abolhassani S, Alimohammadi N, et al (2022). Investigating the effect of self-management program on stroke's patients' self-efficacy. BMC Neurology 22, 360. doi: 10.1186/s12883-022-02876-y.
- Andrew NE, Busingye D, Lannin NA, et al (2018). The quality of discharge care planning in acute stroke care: Influencing factors and association with postdischarge outcomes. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 27, 583–590. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2017.09.043.
- Archambault PM, Rivard J, Smith PY, et al (2020). Learning integrated health system to mobilize context-adapted knowledge with a wiki platform to improve the transitions of frail seniors from hospitals and emergency departments to the community (LEARNING WISDOM): Protocol for a mixed-methods implementati. JMIR Research Protocols 9, e17363. doi: 10.2196/17363.
- Aromataris E, Munn Z (2020). Chapter 1: JBI Systematic Reviews. In JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. JBI. Available at:
- Aryadi A, Arofiati F (2021). The influence of electronic discharge planning in patients with heart failure: A literature review. Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan. doi: 10.30604/jika.v6i4.724.
- Asmuji A, Faridah F, Handayani LT (2018). Implementation of discharge planning in hospital inpatient room by nurses. Jurnal Ners 13, 106–113. doi: 10.20473/jn.v13i1.5942.
- Bacchi S, Oakden-Rayner L, Menon DK, et al (2022). Prospective and external validation of stroke discharge planning machine learning models. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 96, 80–84. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2021.12.031.
- Benoit C, Lopez D, Loiseau M, et al (2020). Impact of a pre-discharge education session on stroke knowledge: A randomized trial. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 29, 105272. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.105272.
- Boden-Albala B, Goldmann E, Parikh NS, et al (2019). Efficacy of a discharge educational strategy vs standard discharge care on reduction of vascular risk in patients with stroke and transient ischemic attack. JAMA Neurology 76, 20. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.2926.
- Chimatiro GL, Rhoda AJ (2019). Scoping review of acute stroke care management and rehabilitation in low and middle-income countries. BMC Health Services Research 19, 789. doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4654-4.
- Dharma KK, Damhudi D, Yardes N, et al (2021). Caregiver empowerment program based on the adaptation model increase stroke family caregiver outcome. Frontiers of Nursing 8, 419–427. doi: 10.2478/fon-2021-0042.
- Duangchan C, Steffen A, Matthews AK (2022). Discharge planning practice for patients with colorectal cancer in Thailand. Nursing Practice Today. doi: 10.18502/npt.v9i4.11201.
- García-Pérez P, Rodríguez-Martínez M del C, Lara JP, et al (2021). Early occupational therapy intervention in the hospital discharge after stroke. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 12877. doi: 10.3390/ijerph ss182412877.
- Hutagalung MS (2021). Psikoedukasi dan psikososial bagi keluarga penderita stroke (Panduan lengkap stroke). Nusamedia. Available at: AAQBAJ&pg=PR2&lpg=PR2&dq=Psikoedukasi+dan+Psikososial+Bagi+Keluarga+Stroke+:+Panduan+Lengkap+Stroke.+Terbit+Digital+:+Nusamedia&source=bl&ots=2-DZrml5dC&sig=ACfU3 U0VCk7eAvljurkrwuaGG8hNbq-LlA&hl=en&sa =X&ved=2ahUKE.
- Iskandar M, Mardiyono, Rumahorbo H (2018). The effectiveness of discharge planning and range of motion (ROM) training in increasing muscle strength of nonhemorrhagic stroke patients. Global Health Management Journal (GHMJ) 2, 57–62. doi: 10.35898/ghmj-23556.
- Jové-Blanco AJ, Solís-García G, Torres-Soblechero L, et al (2021). Video discharge instructions for pediatric gastroenteritis in an emergency department: a randomized, controlled trial. European Journal of Pediatrics 180, 569–575. doi: 10.1007/s00431-020-03827-w.
- Kurniati N, Nursalam N, Kartini Y (2022). The effect of discharge planning combines audiovisual with the family centered nursing preparedness caring for acute post stroke patients. Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 154–165. doi: 10.37341/interest.v0i0.345.
- Lestari TEW, Suwondo A, Budiyono B (2020). Discharge planning-based information system to improve compliance among preeclampsia patients. International Journal of Nursing and Health Service. doi: 10.35654/ijnhs.v3i2.321.
- Mohammadi S, Zabolypour S, Ghaffari F, et al (2019). The effect of family-oriented discharge program on the level of preparedness for care-giving and stress experienced by the family of stroke survivors. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 113–120. doi: 10.32598/irj.17.2.113.
- de Mooij MJ, Ahayoun I, Leferink J, et al (2021). Transition of care in stroke patients discharged home: a single-center prospective cohort study. BMC Health Services Research 21, 1350. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-07347-7.
- Ngoc PT, Hsu S-C (2021). Caregivers of stroke survivors: Factors sssociated with caregiver burden. International Journal of Caring Sciences 14, 825–836. Available at:
- Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, et al (2021). The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. PLOS Medicine 18, e1003583. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003583.
- Rethlefsen ML, Kirtley S, Waffenschmidt S, et al (2021). PRISMA-S: an extension to the PRISMA statement for reporting literature searches in systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews 10, 39. doi: 10.1186/s13643-020-01542-z.
- Rodakowski J, Rocco PB, Ortiz M, et al (2017). Caregiver integration during discharge planning for older adults to reduce resource use: A metaanalysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 65, 1748–1755. doi: 10.1111/jgs.14873.
- Simbolon S, Hamid AYS, Mustikasari, et al (2019). The effectiveness of discharge planning stroke patient due to hypertension to improve patient satisfaction and independence. Enfermería Clínica 29, 703–708. doi: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.06.011.
- Soebagiyo H, Nursalam N, Ahsan A (2020). The influence of impedance and enhancement factors of discharge planning implementation at hospital: A systematic review. Jurnal Ners 15, 25–33. doi: 10.20473/jn.v15i1Sp.18905.
- Suksatan W, Posai V (2020). An integrative review of discharge planning interventions with Thai stroke patients. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11, 1692–1700. Available at: https://www.sysrev arge-planning-interventions-with-thai-stroke-patients.pdf.
- Taha AS, Ibrahim RA (2020). Effect of a design discharge planning program for stroke patients on their quality of life and activity of daily living. International Journal of Studies in Nursing 5, 64. doi: 10.20849/ijsn.v5i1.724.
- Temehy B, Rosewilliam S, Alvey G, et al (2022). Exploring stroke patients' needs after discharge from rehabilitation centres: Meta-ethnography. Behavioral Sciences (Basel) 12, 404. doi: 10.3390/bs12100404.
- Veerbeek JM, Ottiger B, Cazzoli D, et al (2022). Speed up discharge planning at the acute stroke unit: A development and external validation study for the early prediction of discharge home. Frontiers in Neurology. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.999595.
- Vloothuis JDM, Mulder M, Nijland RHM, et al (2019). Caregiver-mediated exercises with e-health support for early supported discharge after stroke (CARE4STROKE): A randomized controlled trial ed. Quinn TJ. PLoS One 14, e0214241. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214241.
- Wang C, Yu T, Luo X, et al (2022). Protocol for the development of a clinical practice guideline for discharge planning of stroke patients. Annals of Translational Medicine 10, 937–937. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-3151.
- Westerlind E, Abzhandadze T, Rafsten L, et al (2019). Very early cognitive screening and return to work after stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 26, 602–607. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2019.1645440.
- Whitehead S, Baalbergen E (2019). Post-stroke rehabilitation. South African Medical Journal 109, 81. doi: 10.7196/SAMJ.2019.v109i2.00011.
- World Health Organization (2022). Stroke, cerebrovascular accident. WHO. Available at:
Amiri FS, Abolhassani S, Alimohammadi N, et al (2022). Investigating the effect of self-management program on stroke's patients' self-efficacy. BMC Neurology 22, 360. doi: 10.1186/s12883-022-02876-y.
Andrew NE, Busingye D, Lannin NA, et al (2018). The quality of discharge care planning in acute stroke care: Influencing factors and association with postdischarge outcomes. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 27, 583–590. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2017.09.043.
Archambault PM, Rivard J, Smith PY, et al (2020). Learning integrated health system to mobilize context-adapted knowledge with a wiki platform to improve the transitions of frail seniors from hospitals and emergency departments to the community (LEARNING WISDOM): Protocol for a mixed-methods implementati. JMIR Research Protocols 9, e17363. doi: 10.2196/17363.
Aromataris E, Munn Z (2020). Chapter 1: JBI Systematic Reviews. In JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. JBI. Available at:
Aryadi A, Arofiati F (2021). The influence of electronic discharge planning in patients with heart failure: A literature review. Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan. doi: 10.30604/jika.v6i4.724.
Asmuji A, Faridah F, Handayani LT (2018). Implementation of discharge planning in hospital inpatient room by nurses. Jurnal Ners 13, 106–113. doi: 10.20473/jn.v13i1.5942.
Bacchi S, Oakden-Rayner L, Menon DK, et al (2022). Prospective and external validation of stroke discharge planning machine learning models. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 96, 80–84. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2021.12.031.
Benoit C, Lopez D, Loiseau M, et al (2020). Impact of a pre-discharge education session on stroke knowledge: A randomized trial. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 29, 105272. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.105272.
Boden-Albala B, Goldmann E, Parikh NS, et al (2019). Efficacy of a discharge educational strategy vs standard discharge care on reduction of vascular risk in patients with stroke and transient ischemic attack. JAMA Neurology 76, 20. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.2926.
Chimatiro GL, Rhoda AJ (2019). Scoping review of acute stroke care management and rehabilitation in low and middle-income countries. BMC Health Services Research 19, 789. doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4654-4.
Dharma KK, Damhudi D, Yardes N, et al (2021). Caregiver empowerment program based on the adaptation model increase stroke family caregiver outcome. Frontiers of Nursing 8, 419–427. doi: 10.2478/fon-2021-0042.
Duangchan C, Steffen A, Matthews AK (2022). Discharge planning practice for patients with colorectal cancer in Thailand. Nursing Practice Today. doi: 10.18502/npt.v9i4.11201.
García-Pérez P, Rodríguez-Martínez M del C, Lara JP, et al (2021). Early occupational therapy intervention in the hospital discharge after stroke. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 12877. doi: 10.3390/ijerph ss182412877.
Hutagalung MS (2021). Psikoedukasi dan psikososial bagi keluarga penderita stroke (Panduan lengkap stroke). Nusamedia. Available at: AAQBAJ&pg=PR2&lpg=PR2&dq=Psikoedukasi+dan+Psikososial+Bagi+Keluarga+Stroke+:+Panduan+Lengkap+Stroke.+Terbit+Digital+:+Nusamedia&source=bl&ots=2-DZrml5dC&sig=ACfU3 U0VCk7eAvljurkrwuaGG8hNbq-LlA&hl=en&sa =X&ved=2ahUKE.
Iskandar M, Mardiyono, Rumahorbo H (2018). The effectiveness of discharge planning and range of motion (ROM) training in increasing muscle strength of nonhemorrhagic stroke patients. Global Health Management Journal (GHMJ) 2, 57–62. doi: 10.35898/ghmj-23556.
Jové-Blanco AJ, Solís-García G, Torres-Soblechero L, et al (2021). Video discharge instructions for pediatric gastroenteritis in an emergency department: a randomized, controlled trial. European Journal of Pediatrics 180, 569–575. doi: 10.1007/s00431-020-03827-w.
Kurniati N, Nursalam N, Kartini Y (2022). The effect of discharge planning combines audiovisual with the family centered nursing preparedness caring for acute post stroke patients. Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 154–165. doi: 10.37341/interest.v0i0.345.
Lestari TEW, Suwondo A, Budiyono B (2020). Discharge planning-based information system to improve compliance among preeclampsia patients. International Journal of Nursing and Health Service. doi: 10.35654/ijnhs.v3i2.321.
Mohammadi S, Zabolypour S, Ghaffari F, et al (2019). The effect of family-oriented discharge program on the level of preparedness for care-giving and stress experienced by the family of stroke survivors. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 113–120. doi: 10.32598/irj.17.2.113.
de Mooij MJ, Ahayoun I, Leferink J, et al (2021). Transition of care in stroke patients discharged home: a single-center prospective cohort study. BMC Health Services Research 21, 1350. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-07347-7.
Ngoc PT, Hsu S-C (2021). Caregivers of stroke survivors: Factors sssociated with caregiver burden. International Journal of Caring Sciences 14, 825–836. Available at:
Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, et al (2021). The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. PLOS Medicine 18, e1003583. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003583.
Rethlefsen ML, Kirtley S, Waffenschmidt S, et al (2021). PRISMA-S: an extension to the PRISMA statement for reporting literature searches in systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews 10, 39. doi: 10.1186/s13643-020-01542-z.
Rodakowski J, Rocco PB, Ortiz M, et al (2017). Caregiver integration during discharge planning for older adults to reduce resource use: A metaanalysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 65, 1748–1755. doi: 10.1111/jgs.14873.
Simbolon S, Hamid AYS, Mustikasari, et al (2019). The effectiveness of discharge planning stroke patient due to hypertension to improve patient satisfaction and independence. Enfermería Clínica 29, 703–708. doi: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.06.011.
Soebagiyo H, Nursalam N, Ahsan A (2020). The influence of impedance and enhancement factors of discharge planning implementation at hospital: A systematic review. Jurnal Ners 15, 25–33. doi: 10.20473/jn.v15i1Sp.18905.
Suksatan W, Posai V (2020). An integrative review of discharge planning interventions with Thai stroke patients. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11, 1692–1700. Available at: https://www.sysrev arge-planning-interventions-with-thai-stroke-patients.pdf.
Taha AS, Ibrahim RA (2020). Effect of a design discharge planning program for stroke patients on their quality of life and activity of daily living. International Journal of Studies in Nursing 5, 64. doi: 10.20849/ijsn.v5i1.724.
Temehy B, Rosewilliam S, Alvey G, et al (2022). Exploring stroke patients' needs after discharge from rehabilitation centres: Meta-ethnography. Behavioral Sciences (Basel) 12, 404. doi: 10.3390/bs12100404.
Veerbeek JM, Ottiger B, Cazzoli D, et al (2022). Speed up discharge planning at the acute stroke unit: A development and external validation study for the early prediction of discharge home. Frontiers in Neurology. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.999595.
Vloothuis JDM, Mulder M, Nijland RHM, et al (2019). Caregiver-mediated exercises with e-health support for early supported discharge after stroke (CARE4STROKE): A randomized controlled trial ed. Quinn TJ. PLoS One 14, e0214241. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214241.
Wang C, Yu T, Luo X, et al (2022). Protocol for the development of a clinical practice guideline for discharge planning of stroke patients. Annals of Translational Medicine 10, 937–937. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-3151.
Westerlind E, Abzhandadze T, Rafsten L, et al (2019). Very early cognitive screening and return to work after stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 26, 602–607. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2019.1645440.
Whitehead S, Baalbergen E (2019). Post-stroke rehabilitation. South African Medical Journal 109, 81. doi: 10.7196/SAMJ.2019.v109i2.00011.
World Health Organization (2022). Stroke, cerebrovascular accident. WHO. Available at: