Focus and Scope Publication Ethics Article Proccessing Charge Peer Reviewers Peer Review Process Open Access Statement ArchivingPlagiarismHistoryCopyright Notice
Editorial Policies
- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Description
- Languages
- Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
- Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication
- Article Processing Charge
- Plagiarism Screening
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine accepts original manuscripts in the many fields of dentistry, including research reports and literature reviews. The spread of fields include:
- Oral epidemiology
- Oral health services research
- Preventive dentistry
- Oral health education and promotion
- Clinical research
- Behavioural sciences related to dentistry
- Ethics and oral health economics
- Healthcare management
- Pediatric dentistry
- Periodontic dentistry
- Oral & maxillofacial surgery
- Oral biology
- Forensic dentistry
- Prosthodontic dentistry
- Dental radiology
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Each manuscript with a related topic has at least one reviewer during the review process. If there are only one reviewer, the editor's main consideration when making a decision is the evaluation from the reviewer. a reviewer takes at least two weeks to complete one round of the review process. Authors must submit a revised manuscript that includes comments from reviewers within two weeks for each round.
In general, potential reviewers will be requested based on their reputation in the number of international publications and quality of research. Next, the editor send an email of willingness to the reviewer. After the reviewers receive information email about their willingness to participate in the review process, the editor select each reviewer and then send the manuscript via OJS.
All received manuscripts will be peer reviewed with the double-blind policy by at least one reviewer.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine is an open access journal which is concerned with dental health and other related subjects. This journal is also a peer reviewed dental health journal that includes a wide range of topics in this field and creates a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
A piece of writing that is published in a peer-reviewed journal is considered to have advanced knowledge. It also conveys the caliber of the writers' output and the organizations they support. The scientific process is supported and embodied in peer-reviewed literature. Therefore, it is necessary to establish suitable guidelines for ethical behavior for each party engaged in the publication process, including the publisher, reviewer, author, editor, and society that publishes the scientific journal.
Based on recommendations created by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE), the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine" has released a statement about publication ethics and malpractice. The goal of the journal policy is to make the publication of the best original scientific papers possible by employing a fair and ethical method for manuscript submission, peer review, and publication.
Editors’ Duties
Decision Regarding Publishing
In the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine, the Editor-in-Chief has the last say over whether a submitted work is accepted for peer review and published. The submitted manuscript is subjected to a double-blind review process, meaning that neither the reviewers nor the authors are aware of the other reviewers' identities, until the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors have concluded that the work is appropriate for review (that is, that it satisfies the guidelines outlined in the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Instructions for Authors).
The uniqueness of the work is the single most crucial requirement for admission. While the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine must represent a wide range of topics, the editorial decision may also be influenced by other factors, such as the extent and significance of new information included in the paper relative to that in other papers being considered. Additionally, the suitability of the manuscript for publication as a whole may also play a role. After all potential issues with probable copyright violations, libel, or plagiarism have been resolved, a decision is reached. Associate Editors, peer reviewers, and, if required, the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Editorial Team provide their comments on the decision, which is promptly shared with the author(s). In the event that an article's writers violate copyright or engage in libel or plagiarism, the editors will be prepared to retract the piece and publish any necessary revisions, explanations, and/or apologies.
Fair Play Principle
The Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Editorial Team's assessment of the articles submitted for publication will not be influenced by the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, origin, academic connections, political views, or religion.
All information given by authors about their submissions will be kept secret by the editorial team of the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine. Not only will the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Managing Editors, and the reviewers chosen for the article review be the only people with access to manuscript-specific information, but it cannot be shared or disclosed to any other party.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
When determining whether a submitted paper is appropriate for publication, the editorial team will maintain objectivity and refrain from letting institutional, professional, or personal interests cloud their judgment. Furthermore, the editorial team is not permitted to utilize the data from submitted publications for its own study without the authors' clear prior approval. The Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Editorial Team members who do not have a conflict of interest stemming from competition, collaboration, or any other affiliation with the authors or institutions related to a submitted manuscript will act as Editor-in-Chief and decide whether or not the paper will be published. Any conflicts of interest must be declared, and if one is discovered, the editorial team is required to publish a pertinent post-factum explanation. A correction or retraction may be published, among other alternative courses of action.
Appeals Process
The Editor-in-Chief will have the last say in any appeals of decisions not to publish manuscripts made by authors. The Editor-in-Chief may reconsider the initial decision to reject a manuscript for publication after consulting with additional members of the editorial team and the reviewers engaged in the submission of the article for review.
Overlapping, duplicate, redundant publication
The editors of the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine" take seriously any instances of hidden redundant publication, including auto-plagiarism. Of particular concern is "salami slicing," which refers to the practice of publishing multiple papers based on the same research, and "shotgunning," which involves sending identical manuscripts to multiple journals for publication. These will be dealt with in accordance with COPE rules, and the Editor Team may get in touch with the writers on this.
Corrections and Retraction
The Editor Team may make corrections to an online version of a document; the date of revision must be specified. After publication, an article should be withdrawn with a statement explaining the cause for the retraction (fraud, error, plagiarism, or so-called "redundant publication") if a major error is discovered in the work or if large sections are proven to be invalid. If it turns out that the published article contains private information that the author wrongfully obtained from a third party, a retraction may also be taken into consideration. After conferring with the associate editors, the editorial team of the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine," and the relevant reviewers, the editor-in-chief decides whether to withdraw a publication.
Autors' Duties
Requirements Regarding Submission of Manuscripts
A cover letter stating that the work does not violate any personal copyright and has not been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere should be sent by authors when submitting an article to the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine." Information on a specific co-author's contribution to the work must also be disclosed by the authors.
When submitting previously published visual components (tables and figures) to the Editor Team, writers are required to get permission from the copyright owner in order to reprint them. Both on the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine" online and in paper copy form are instructions for writers on how to prepare and submit a manuscript. When an author submits a manuscript for publication, they are required to engage in the review process and adhere to the reviewers' and editors' expectations, which are designed to maximize the quality of the supplied material.
Note: There are no submission, processing, or publishing fees for manuscripts published in the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine.
The only manuscripts that can be submitted for publication are the author's original works; all other submissions will be rejected or withdrawn (due to the authors' unethical actions after publication). Plagiarism in any form is forbidden; this includes self-plagiarism, which involves republishing parts of one's own past works as fresh ideas or claiming the words, facts, theoretical concepts, and conclusions of others. The simultaneous submission of a work for publication in multiple journals will be seen as unethical and inappropriate. Other writers' words and works need to be correctly cited. All reference materials, including published publications that aided in the composition of a work, should be cited by authors. Reprinting or translating an article that has already been published is feasible, but it requires correct attribution and the permission of the copyright owner.
Authorship of a manuscript
According to the ICMJE's recommendations, an individual is considered to be a manuscript author if they have: contributed significantly to the idea or design of the work; obtained, analyzed, or interpreted data needed for the work; drafted the article or critically revised it for intellectual content; approved the final version for publication; and accepted full responsibility for all aspects of the work, making sure that any concerns about the accuracy and integrity of any part of the work are duly investigated and addressed.
Although authorship responsibilities can vary, they often entail substantial and innovative intellectual input to the work, aid with authoring the text, and evaluation of the final draft. Early in the research process, decisions on co-authorship, other people's participation in the manuscript, and the order in which their names appear must be made to avoid disagreements and misunderstandings that might cause a paper to be published later than expected or not at all. When a manuscript is submitted to be published in the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine," the corresponding author is required to include information about the individual contributions made by each author. This is because different authors may have differing opinions about the kind and extent of their contributions, so each author may be asked to describe their own.
Even though each author is accountable for the integrity, correctness, and quality of a document they submit, one author—known as the corresponding author—must be designated as the one who will react to inquiries and provide additional information as needed, as well as be accountable for the entire work. A cover letter that is attached to the manuscript must specify each contributor's contribution to the work. The nature of any relationships that any of the authors may have with corporations or sponsoring organizations must be disclosed in the appropriate section of the cover letter or in the last section of the manuscript under the headings Conflict of Interest, Funding/Support and the role of the sponsor, and Acknowledgments. The article will include those data points as well as the extent of the contribution.
The “Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine” commits to publicizing and denouncing any instances of “ghost writing” in which the identity of a specific contributor is concealed, as well as “quest authorshop” (also known as “guest” or “gift” authoring), in which an individual whose input to the manuscript was negligible or nonexistent is revealed as the author. According to the guidelines set forth in the Code of Ethics for Scientific Research, universities, scientific and research institutions, and state or private research centers—the parties hiring scientific researchers—bear the primary duty for managing any wrongdoing that comes to light.
The "Acknowledgments" section ought to include a list of all those who contributed to the work but were not able to be regarded as its authors since they did not fit the requirements. The following are some examples of actions that do not meet the requirements for authorship under the law: obtaining funds; gathering data; providing general administrative support or research group supervision; writing support; statistical computation; technical editing; language editing; and proofreading (by the author's editor or a translator). Individuals or a collective group may be credited under a single heading (e.g., "clinical investigator or participating investigator” according to ICMJE) if their contributions do not warrant authorship.
Changes in Authorship
The Editorial Team of the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine" requires all authors to give written approval for any suggested changes in authorship of both the submitted and published articles in compliance with COPE criteria. This covers any changes made to the list of authors, including additions, removals, name changes, and adjustments to contribution attribution. Each author must send a direct email requesting written approval. The onus is on the related writers to make sure that every author gives their approval for the suggested modifications. If authors are unable to come to a mutually agreeable settlement regarding authorship, they should get in touch with their respective institution(s) to seek a resolution. Authorship issues are not the editorial team's obligation to settle. The only way to alter the authorship of a published work is to issue an erratum.
Source Citations
The authors are required to credit the sources of all data they have received and cite any pertinent earlier research in the paper text.
Scientific Fraud
It is mandatory for authors to present their findings in a clear, correct, and equitable way. Manuscripts that are submitted must only include data, statistical analysis, and conclusions that are deemed reliable. Publication of erroneous or unconfirmed results on purpose is seen as unethical and unprofessional.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
It is required of authors to reveal any possible conflicts of interest, whether financial or not, that might skew the results or how they are interpreted, both in the article's conclusion and in a cover letter. Additionally, authors must make sure that no proprietary interests or contractual relationships exist that would jeopardize the publication of a submitted work.
Errors after Publication
After the paper has been published, authors should notify the editorial team right away if they discover any errors or inaccuracies so that a correction or retraction may be issued.
Any submitted articles, as well as any correspondence with authors and peer reviewers, are understood to be confidential by the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine. In addition, authors agree to follow these guidelines when communicating with the Editorial Team of the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine": whether or not the submission is accepted for publication, authors are not allowed to post confidential correspondence, peer review reports, or other materials online or in any other way publicize them without the Editorial Team's original approval.
Reviewers' Duties
Keep information private.
All unpublished articles and associated materials must be kept private by reviewers. The editorial team or the publication staff must provide authorization before manuscripts can be shared with other parties.
Reviewers have to make an effort to evaluate the reviewed paper's quality objectively and accurately throughout the review process. Reviewers' comments and opinions should be objective, understandable, and succinct when they are returned to writers. A review may be rejected if the reviewer does not believe they are qualified to assess an article that has been submitted.
Timely Peer-Reviewing
The volunteers who review papers for the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine" are thought to have other work obligations. Therefore, potential reviewers should confirm that they will be able to finish the review within the allotted time before taking part in the process. If not, they ought to turn down reviewing the document. The publication team of the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine expects reviewers to turn in their reviews no later than three weeks after starting their work. Reviewers should notify the editorial team of any delays if they require more time. Reviewers are not required to give a rationale for declining to evaluate a paper.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
A manuscript's author and reviewer shouldn't have any intimate relationships, either familial or professional (hierarchical). Reviewers have a duty to reject or review if they discover that their evaluation of a submitted paper conflicts with their personal interests. A conflict of interest can arise in a personal, corporate, institutional, or competitive, financial, or cooperative context. The material in the paper cannot be used by the reviewers for their own benefit. Along with the rejection to review, any correspondence or relationship that can be seen as a conflict of interest between the author and reviewer should be reported in writing to the editorial team.
If during the reading of a manuscript the reviewer realizes that another author`s intellectual property has been infringed, the editorial team should be notified. The Editor-in-Chief, either himself/herself or through his/her designee, shall make the final decision regarding the publication of the paper.
Source Citations
Reviewers must locate and present to the authors all published works and sources that they believe are important but haven't been referenced or included in the article.
Comments to Authors
Reviewers should always remember that working together to improve the quality of the reviewed article is why they should always offer feedback to authors and the publication team. It is the reviewers' duty to give writers concise, helpful, and thorough feedback on the work they have evaluated through the publication staff. This rule also holds true for papers that reviewers determine are unfit for publication. It is unethical to give authors only the information about the results from the review and, in particular, to withhold information concerning significant errors, even in cases when the manuscript has received good evaluations.
Procedures for Dealing with Unethical Behavior
Identification of Unethical Behavior
The editorial team and publisher may be notified at any time of any misconduct or unethical behavior pertaining to a submitted manuscript by anybody. Misconduct and unethical behavior can involve any of the previously listed instances, although they are not the only ones. In order to start an inquiry, the person who reports such behavior to the publisher or editorial team must supply enough details and supporting documentation. The Editorial Team will start the appropriate processes (based on the COPE flowcharts) upon the presentation of unethical charges about a submitted or published paper. All claims will be treated carefully and thoroughly researched in order to get to a satisfactory judgment or conclusion.
The editorial team should make the first judgment, and if necessary, they should confer with or ask the publisher for input. Gathering evidence and keeping it private should be done without disclosing any accusations to anybody who isn't required to know. The Chief Editor will be updated on the process's progress on a regular basis. Small-scale misbehavior may be resolved without broader consultation. Either way, the writer ought to be given a chance to address any accusations. After weighing the justifications, the editorial team can decide on its own without needing to confer with anybody else.
It may be necessary to notify the accused's employers if there has been serious wrongdoing. The decision of whether to present the allegations to the employers or the person in charge of overseeing research at the authors' institution or to consult with a smaller group of experts should be made by the Editor-in-Chief after conferring with the publisher (the Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine is an official publication). The editorial team may impose any or all of the following punishments after reviewing the case: providing the author or reviewer with information or education in cases where there seems to be a misinterpretation or improper application of accepted standards: the official notification outlining the misbehavior being published; an official letter addressed to the author or reviewer's supervisor; an official removal or retraction of a publication from the journal, together with notification of the author's or reviewer's institution; an official embargo on the author's or reviewer's future contributions for a predetermined amount of time. The Editor-in-Chief will decide whether to apply the punishment.
Copyrights/Intellectual Property Rights
The "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine" provides its readers with free access to all of its published papers. The benefits of providing readers with access to editorial information are acknowledged by the editorial team. Utilizing an open access paradigm is necessary for the prompt and efficient dissemination of scientific findings across international borders, as well as for their widespread availability and visibility. It has been agreed to offer the journal archives under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License in recognition of the global difficulties the world faces.
When writers submit their manuscripts for consideration for publishing in the "Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine," they attest to the fact that their articles respect the rights of third parties and grant permission for their work to be made publicly available as per the guidelines.
The Editorial Team encourages authors to archive their work and supports PubMed Central and other online resources. This enables the official final version of the published paper (a PDF file) to be published immediately in other online resources or repositories.
This journal did not charge the following author fees on acceptance
Case report, Editorial, Letter To Editor, Original Article, Review Article, Short Communication:
Article Submission: 0.00 (USD)
Authors are NOT required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.
Article Publication: FREE
Scanning of plagiarism on the manuscripts will be conducted by using Turnitin software. Plagiarism checker with the maximum under 20%.