Increased knowledge and attitude on students can be done by using interesting, convenient, and simple health promotion method or media such as snake and ladder game. This study is aimed to measure and analyze the effectivenes of snake and ladder game and Triggering stop BABS on elementary school students' knowledge and attitude. The research method used is true experiment approach to the design of two group pre-test post-test design. The samples were 62 respondents, 31 for triggering group and 31 for snake and ladder game group. The research instrument was questionnaire. Analyzing data used R Commander program. The result indicated that There were significant differences improvement of knowledge and attitude of students before and after snake and ladder game stop BABS (p=0.0001 for knowledge, P=0.0001 for attitude). There were significant differences in knowledge and attitude level of students before and after the triggering(p=0.0001 for knowledge, p=0.0001 for attitude). There were no Effectiveness difference between triggering and snake ladder game (p=0,556) (p=0,226).The result of analysis also indicated that provision health education through both snake and ladder game and Triggering Method have impact to improvement knowledge and attitude of elementary schools students. Snake and ladder game can be used as alternative health education media in school.
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