The escalating infant mortality rate (IMR) in Indonesia has not been able to fulfill the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that restrict the limit of IMR to just 12 of 1,000 live births. According to such fact, this research was designed as the application of panel data regression in an IMR case study of East Java from 2013–2017. Regression panel data enable research in describing cross-sectional and time series information. The variety of data availability in this method were capable of producing a high degree of freedom, allowing it to meet the prerequisites and statistical properties. This method was considered the most suitable one for analyzing the rising IMR. This research was classified as non-reactive research. All regencies/cities in East Java served as this study's population. Data collection included K4 coverage, childbirth assistance, and KN complete coverage. The result of panel data regression showed a significant connection between K4 coverage (0.0230), childbirth assistance (p = 0.0105), and KN complete coverage (0.0205). Adjusted R-Square value was obtained with an amount of 80%, which means that all independent variables were able to explain the dependent one of that value, while the remaining were explained by other factors. This study can provide some suggestions to support IMR in East Java, including handling from the government or related pregnant families to support IMR on an ongoing basis.
Keywords: panel data regression, IMR, K4, childbirth assistance, KN complete
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