Background: Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy outside the uterus, embryo could attached to the
fallopian tube, ovary cervix or cervix. Around 85-90% incidence of ectopic pregnancy is found in
multigravid women. According to data from the Health Office, maternal mortality in 2017 tends
to increase in the last two years. Not only it is a major predictor of mortality and morbidity in
pregnant women, but individuals with a history of ectopic pregnancy have a greater risk. The
purpose of this research was to determine the risk factors that cause ectopic pregnancy by using
literature studies review. Method:This study used a systematic review of articles that published
between 2013-2020 in the Science Direct, Scopus and Google Scholar. 10 articles that meet the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, included as a sample for further review. The results regarding to
risk factors that caused ectopic pregnancy in each article were systematically synthesized. Results:
Risk factors found to be significantly associated with the incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the
article were age (2), infertility (2), IUD (3), PID (3), Ectopic Pregnancy History (5), Progestine Pills (2), History of Abortion (1), Smoking (3). Conclusions: age, infertility, IUD, PID, history of ectopic pregnancy, progestine pill, History of abortion, and smoking were risk factors that hadsignificant relationship with the incidence of ectopic pregnancy.
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