Background: Adolescent pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurred between the age of 10-19 years. The survey in 2019 in Indonesia showed that the number of pregnant women aged 15-19 years reached 47 per 100 pregnancies. The anatomy of adolescent's body is not ready yet for pregnancy or childbirth so complications can occur during pregnancy. This study aims to analyze the relationship between adolescent pregnancy and pregnancy complications at Puskesmas Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan. Method: This research used observational analytic with case control design. The population in this study were all women who had given birth in Puskesmas Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan in January-December 2022. The number of samples used was 42 people who were divided into case and control groups. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. The indipendent variable in this study was adolescent pregnancy and the dependent variable were pregnancy complications which included anemia, nutritional deficiency. Data collection was obtained from medical records. Statistical data analysis using chi square test. Result: The results showed that pregnancy complications in the adolescent group were 38,1% and in the reproductive age group 19%. The results of chi square test obtained a p value of 0,172 (p>0,05) which means that the test results were not significant. Conclusion: There is no relationship between adolescent pregnancy and pregnancy complications at Puskesmas Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Shifa Muthia Shani, Rize Budi Amalia, Endyka Erye Frety

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