Phylogenetic Study of Lempuk Fish (Gobiopterus sp.) in Ranu Grati Based on Mitochondrial DNA Sequence of Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) Barcoding Region
Lempuk fish (Gobiopterus sp.) is one of the local species in Ranu Grati. The high level of Lempuk fishing and the low level of awareness of Grati community on the importance of conservation and domestication efforts, as well as the taxonomy of the fish itself have threatened the population. Therefore, long-term efforts should be undertaken to preserve and identify the origin of Lempuk fish by conducting a molecular phylogenetic study based on COI. This study aimed to determine, analyze and describe the kinship and phylogenetic relationships of Lempuk fish (Gobiopterus sp.). This study used a descriptive method, starting from the specimen collection, extraction by the Phenol-Chloroform method and amplification by the PCR method, to the screening process. The data analysis method used the MEGA 5 application. Phylogenetic study used the Maximum Likelihood method with a bootstrap value of 1.000 times. The results showed that the intra-population genetic distance of Lempuk fish is low at 0.00%. Genetic distance between the population of Lempuk fish is relatively high with G. brachypterus from Malaysia of 22.4%, Central Java of 21.5%, and India of 21.4% and with G. lacustris from Malaysia of 22.5%, the Philippines of 21.6% %, Thailand of 19.7%, and with G. chuno and G. semivestitus of 21.2% and 23.6% accordingly. The phylogenetic study obtained showed the formation of a separate group that is different between Lempuk fish group and other Gobiopterus fish, supported by a bootsrap value of 99%.
Akbar, N. and R. Labenua., 2018. Keragaman genetik ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) di perairan laut Maluku Utara. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan, 7(2), pp. 164-176.
Bramestian, R.H., Budiarjo and Yurisma, D.Y., 2016. Perancangan place identity Ranu Grati sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan brand awareness. Jurnal Art Noveau, 6(1), pp. 127-136.
Dhar, A. and Minin, V.N., 2016. Maximum likelihood methods for phylogenetic inference. Researchgate University of Washington, Seattle, pp. 1-13.
Fahmi, M.R., Kusumah, R.V., Ardi, I., Sinasari, S. and Kusrini, E., 2017. DNA barcoding ikan hias introduksi. Jurnal Riset Akuakultur, 12(1), pp. 29-40.
Felsenstein, J., 1981. Evolutionary trees from DNA sequences a maximum likelihood approach. Journal of molecular Evolution, 17, pp. 368-76.
Guspratiwi, R., Helianti, I., Abinawanto, and Nurhasanah, A., 2019. Subkloning gen antigen tuberkulosis 85b dengan menggunakan signal peptide aq1 endoxilanase. Jurnal Cakrawala Kesehatan, 10(2), pp. 115-127.
Hadiaty, R.K., Gerald, R., Allen and Erdmann, M.V., 2012. Keanekaragaman jenis ikan di Teluk Arguni, Kaimana, Papua Barat. Zoo Indonesia, 21(2), pp. 35-42.
Hasan, V., Widodo, M.S., Islamy R.A. and Pebriani, D.A.A., 2020a. New records of alligator gar, Atractosteus spatula (Actinopterygii: Lepisosteiformes: Lepisosteidae) from Bali and Java, Indonesia. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 50(2), pp. 233–236.
Hasan, V., Widodo, M.S., Faqih, A.R., Mahasri, G., Arief, M., Valen, F.S., Tamam, M.B., Yonarta, D., Pratama, F.S. and Fitriadi, R., 2020b. Presence of striped flying barb Esomus metallicus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) from west Sumatra, Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons., 26(August Suppl. Issue), pp. S73-S75.
Hasan, V., Soemarno., Widodo, M.S. and Wiadnya, D.G.R., 2019. Lobocheilos falcifer (Valenciennes, 1842) (Cyrpiniformes, Cyprinidae): distribution extension in Java and first record from Tuntang River, Semarang Regency, Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons., 25(4), pp. 1713-1715.
Hasibuan, F.E., Mantiri, F.R. and Rumende, R.R.H., 2017. Kajian variasi sekunes intraspesies dan filogenetik monyet hitam sulawesi (Macaca nigra) dengan menggunakan gen COI. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains, 17(1), pp. 60-69.
Hofstetter, Vale´rie, Buyck, B., Eyssartier, Q., Schnee, S. and Gindro, K., 2019. The unbearable lightness of sequenced-based identification. Fungal Diversity. 96, pp. 243–284.
Hu, G. and Kurgan, L., 2018. Sequence Similarity Searching. Current Protocols in Protein Science, 95 (1), pp. 1-19.
Imam, M., 2011. Variasi morfologi pada ikan Lempuk (Gobiopterus branchyopterus) di Danau Ranu Grati Pasuruan. Thesis. Program Studi Bioteknologi Lingkungan. FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 31 p.
Ismail. Y.S., Soetjipto, E.B., Wasito and Nasronudin., 2012. HIV genotype analisis from HIV infection patients in East Java area. Jurnal Natural, 12(2), pp. 23-29.
Kottelat, M., Whiten, A.J., Kartikasari, S.N. dan Wirjoatmojo, S., 1993. Ikan air tawar Indonesia bagian barat dan Sulawesi. Periplus edition limitet. Jakarta.
Larson, H.K., Jaafar, Z. and Lim, K.K.P., 2008. An annotated checklist of the gobioid fishes of Singapore. The Raffles Bulletin Of Zoology, 56(1), pp. 135-155.
Muzzazinah., 2017.Metode filogenetik pada indigofera. Thesis. Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, pp. 25-40.
Nei, M., 1972. Genetic distance between population. American Nature, 106(949), pp. 283-292.
Nei, M., 1978. The theory of genetic distance and evolution of human races. Jap. J. Human Genet., 23, pp. 341-369.
Roesma, D.I., Hong, T.D. and Aidil, D.R., 2020. Phylogenetic analysis of transparent gobies in three Sumatran lakes, inferred from mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene. Biodeversitas, 21(1), pp. 43-48.
Rosidiani, E.P., Arumingtyas, E.L. dan Azrianingsih, R., 2013. Analisis variasi genetik amorphophallus muelleri blume dari berbagai populasi di jawa timur berdasarkan sekuen intron trnL. Floribunda, 4(6), pp. 129-137.
Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A. and Kumar, S., 2011. MEGA5: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 5.0. Mol. Biol. Evol., 28(10), pp. 2731–2739.
Tasma, I.M., 2015. Pemanfaatan teknologi sekuensing genom untuk mempercepat program pemuliaan tanaman. J. Litbang., 34(4), pp. 159-168.
Ward, R.D., Zemlak, T.S., Innes, B.H., Last, P.R. and Hebert, P.D., 2005. DNA sequencing DNA. Genomics., 107 (1), pp. 1-8.
Widodo, D.H., Utomo, A.N., Ramadhani, A., Hasanah and Fitriah, A., 2018. Cara mudah membuat pohon filogenetik dengan Mega Software. Global Science. Malang. 18 p.
Wigati, E., Sutarno dan Haryanti., 2003. Variasi genetik ikan anggoli (Pristipomoides multidens) berdasarkan pola pita allozim genetic. Biodiversitas, 4(2), pp. 73-79.
Wirdateti, E., Indriana and Handayani., 2016. Analisis sekuen DNA mitokondria Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) mtDNA pada kukang Indonesia (Nycticebus spp.) sebagai penanda guna pengembangan identifikasi spesies. Jurnal biologi indonesia, 12(1), pp. 119-128.
Widodo, M.S., Hasan, V., Mukti, A.T. and Kusuma, B., 2020. Distribution of Dwarf Snakehead Channa gachua Hamilton, 1822 (Teleostei, Channidae) on Brantas River Basin, Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons., 26(2), pp. 618-621.
Akbar, N. and R. Labenua., 2018. Keragaman genetik ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) di perairan laut Maluku Utara. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan, 7(2), pp. 164-176.
Bramestian, R.H., Budiarjo and Yurisma, D.Y., 2016. Perancangan place identity Ranu Grati sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan brand awareness. Jurnal Art Noveau, 6(1), pp. 127-136.
Dhar, A. and Minin, V.N., 2016. Maximum likelihood methods for phylogenetic inference. Researchgate University of Washington, Seattle, pp. 1-13.
Fahmi, M.R., Kusumah, R.V., Ardi, I., Sinasari, S. and Kusrini, E., 2017. DNA barcoding ikan hias introduksi. Jurnal Riset Akuakultur, 12(1), pp. 29-40.
Felsenstein, J., 1981. Evolutionary trees from DNA sequences a maximum likelihood approach. Journal of molecular Evolution, 17, pp. 368-76.
Guspratiwi, R., Helianti, I., Abinawanto, and Nurhasanah, A., 2019. Subkloning gen antigen tuberkulosis 85b dengan menggunakan signal peptide aq1 endoxilanase. Jurnal Cakrawala Kesehatan, 10(2), pp. 115-127.
Hadiaty, R.K., Gerald, R., Allen and Erdmann, M.V., 2012. Keanekaragaman jenis ikan di Teluk Arguni, Kaimana, Papua Barat. Zoo Indonesia, 21(2), pp. 35-42.
Hasan, V., Widodo, M.S., Islamy R.A. and Pebriani, D.A.A., 2020a. New records of alligator gar, Atractosteus spatula (Actinopterygii: Lepisosteiformes: Lepisosteidae) from Bali and Java, Indonesia. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 50(2), pp. 233–236.
Hasan, V., Widodo, M.S., Faqih, A.R., Mahasri, G., Arief, M., Valen, F.S., Tamam, M.B., Yonarta, D., Pratama, F.S. and Fitriadi, R., 2020b. Presence of striped flying barb Esomus metallicus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) from west Sumatra, Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons., 26(August Suppl. Issue), pp. S73-S75.
Hasan, V., Soemarno., Widodo, M.S. and Wiadnya, D.G.R., 2019. Lobocheilos falcifer (Valenciennes, 1842) (Cyrpiniformes, Cyprinidae): distribution extension in Java and first record from Tuntang River, Semarang Regency, Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons., 25(4), pp. 1713-1715.
Hasibuan, F.E., Mantiri, F.R. and Rumende, R.R.H., 2017. Kajian variasi sekunes intraspesies dan filogenetik monyet hitam sulawesi (Macaca nigra) dengan menggunakan gen COI. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains, 17(1), pp. 60-69.
Hofstetter, Vale´rie, Buyck, B., Eyssartier, Q., Schnee, S. and Gindro, K., 2019. The unbearable lightness of sequenced-based identification. Fungal Diversity. 96, pp. 243–284.
Hu, G. and Kurgan, L., 2018. Sequence Similarity Searching. Current Protocols in Protein Science, 95 (1), pp. 1-19.
Imam, M., 2011. Variasi morfologi pada ikan Lempuk (Gobiopterus branchyopterus) di Danau Ranu Grati Pasuruan. Thesis. Program Studi Bioteknologi Lingkungan. FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 31 p.
Ismail. Y.S., Soetjipto, E.B., Wasito and Nasronudin., 2012. HIV genotype analisis from HIV infection patients in East Java area. Jurnal Natural, 12(2), pp. 23-29.
Kottelat, M., Whiten, A.J., Kartikasari, S.N. dan Wirjoatmojo, S., 1993. Ikan air tawar Indonesia bagian barat dan Sulawesi. Periplus edition limitet. Jakarta.
Larson, H.K., Jaafar, Z. and Lim, K.K.P., 2008. An annotated checklist of the gobioid fishes of Singapore. The Raffles Bulletin Of Zoology, 56(1), pp. 135-155.
Muzzazinah., 2017.Metode filogenetik pada indigofera. Thesis. Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, pp. 25-40.
Nei, M., 1972. Genetic distance between population. American Nature, 106(949), pp. 283-292.
Nei, M., 1978. The theory of genetic distance and evolution of human races. Jap. J. Human Genet., 23, pp. 341-369.
Roesma, D.I., Hong, T.D. and Aidil, D.R., 2020. Phylogenetic analysis of transparent gobies in three Sumatran lakes, inferred from mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene. Biodeversitas, 21(1), pp. 43-48.
Rosidiani, E.P., Arumingtyas, E.L. dan Azrianingsih, R., 2013. Analisis variasi genetik amorphophallus muelleri blume dari berbagai populasi di jawa timur berdasarkan sekuen intron trnL. Floribunda, 4(6), pp. 129-137.
Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A. and Kumar, S., 2011. MEGA5: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 5.0. Mol. Biol. Evol., 28(10), pp. 2731–2739.
Tasma, I.M., 2015. Pemanfaatan teknologi sekuensing genom untuk mempercepat program pemuliaan tanaman. J. Litbang., 34(4), pp. 159-168.
Ward, R.D., Zemlak, T.S., Innes, B.H., Last, P.R. and Hebert, P.D., 2005. DNA sequencing DNA. Genomics., 107 (1), pp. 1-8.
Widodo, D.H., Utomo, A.N., Ramadhani, A., Hasanah and Fitriah, A., 2018. Cara mudah membuat pohon filogenetik dengan Mega Software. Global Science. Malang. 18 p.
Wigati, E., Sutarno dan Haryanti., 2003. Variasi genetik ikan anggoli (Pristipomoides multidens) berdasarkan pola pita allozim genetic. Biodiversitas, 4(2), pp. 73-79.
Wirdateti, E., Indriana and Handayani., 2016. Analisis sekuen DNA mitokondria Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) mtDNA pada kukang Indonesia (Nycticebus spp.) sebagai penanda guna pengembangan identifikasi spesies. Jurnal biologi indonesia, 12(1), pp. 119-128.
Widodo, M.S., Hasan, V., Mukti, A.T. and Kusuma, B., 2020. Distribution of Dwarf Snakehead Channa gachua Hamilton, 1822 (Teleostei, Channidae) on Brantas River Basin, Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons., 26(2), pp. 618-621.
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