Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), is a country's welfare indicator especially about the women's health. It is included in the development index and the quality of life index. The determinants of maternal mortality are elements that collectively cause maternal mortality. This quantitative research used secondary data on MMR and its influencing factors in East Java Province during the 2017-2019 period and the analysis of the panel data used regression. The trend of Maternal mortality in East Java Province has decreased from year to year; in 2019, it was 89.81 per 100,000 live births. The variable pregnant women using blood-added pills (X1) with a probability value of 0.020 (p<0.05) is found to significantly affected the maternal mortality in the panel regression analysis utilizing the Random Effect Model. The Random Effect Model, which this study found to be the best, contains the model equation Yit = 225.7721 - 1.919457 X1it and the administration of blood-added pills is the variable that significantly affects maternal mortality. The results of this study indicate the need for educational efforts, especially regarding to the benefits of blood-added pills for pregnant women and to correct the misunderstanding about the benefits of blood-added pills in the community, so that the coverage of blood supplement consumption in pregnant women can be increased. Together with the primary health care system and obstetricians, an integrative approach and counseling among pregnant women and their partners will increase awareness of maternity health and birth management.
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